Monday, September 30, 2019

American nurses association

The American Nurses Association is a professional service organization that represents the entire registered American nurses’ population. It aims to promote health care services to every human being. It believes that health care is a right of every citizen and a restructured development and implementation of health policies is needed. Furthermore it is dedicated in producing highly skilled nurses in the field of medicine. At the local and state level, the roles and functions of ANA are to persuade every individual to go into nursing by promoting an advance nursing profession by setting up high standard nursing practices.In return, a competitive workplace is attained producing a realistic perspective of things that transpire as a nurse. Registered nurses are also helped by the association by conducting continuous research base projects for nursing. The field is continually being expanded. It also pushes for better compensation for nurses. It calls for a better working condition for nurses and implements strategic techniques in which nurses can deliver their services more efficiently and effectively locally.Thus, the local and the state benefit largely from these practices, where in services will not be delayed and are delivered cost-effectively. Nationally, ANA is in the forefront on the call for a massive restructuration of the health care programs. They believed that the health care is in crisis, and the cost of care continues grow while its quality suffers and the problem should be addressed to the policy makers, health professionals and the public.Through its political and legislative programs, ANA has taken solid positions. It expresses its desire for a restructure program by delivering primary health care services in community based settings. On its agenda also is an expanded participation of nurses in delivering those services and obtaining federal fund for practice, training and future ventures in the field of nursing. The association also discuss es the importance of safer needle devices to people.It aims to protect the rights of patients and provide them access to a better health care system. It aims to offer public and private plan of standard package of essential health care services to every citizens. The American Nurses Association exists not primarily to protect the welfare of the registered nurses. It is an organization that commits its loyalty on things that would help the public benefit. The health of the people and an efficient way of delivering services at low cost is the association primary concerns.The organization’s unwavering efforts are major boost that contribute to health care reforms on both state and national level. References (Levit, 2001) (Aiken L. H. , 2000) Aiken L. H. , C. S. P. , & Sloanne D. M. . (2000). Hospital Restructuring: Does it Adversely Affect Care and Outcomes? Journal of Nursing Administration, 457-465. Levit, K. , Smith C, . Cowan C. , Lazenby H. , Sensenig A. , Catlin A. ,. (200 1). Trends in US Health Care Spending. Health Affairs, 154-164.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Continuing Professional Development Essay

With the rapid pace of change, many people may find that their skills and knowledge, acquired over the recent past, are outdated. In order to update their members, many professional groups have introduced the concept of Continuing Professional Development (CPD). (Foot and Hooks, 2002). The Royal Town Planning Institute (2001) holds that CPD is the means by which members of professional associations maintain, improve and broaden their knowledge and skills and develop their personal qualities required in their professional lives. A guide for employers of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST, 2001) states that CPD is the term that describes how employees maintain their competence in the workplace. CPD comprises of updating particular areas of competence, developing personal and management skills and broadening experience leading to new opportunities. The challenges and opportunities of the work experience provide the central mechanism for maintaining CPD and professional and other organizations should encourage and support their members to maintain their CPD. Here, CPD can be organized so that it can be carried out almost automatically. It is a continual process of planning, completing activities, assessment of those activities and review/feedback to the plan. A system that encompasses these four stages must be set up. Many employers have a system in the arm of the Human Resource Department and professionals should be encouraged to include their employers in the CPD process, as ideally, it should be a partnership that will benefit employee, employer and the company. The annual appraisal interview is the ideal time to plan development targets and assess progress. The details of CPD are very much the property of individuals and one should not rely on the company’s personnel system. If not maintained properly, it may be of no support to an employee if he no longer works for that particular company. The planning stage is the most important of the four core aspects of CPD. There should be an analysis of the current job, concentrating on knowledge and skills. Then, the same thing should be done for the job/position targeted. Consultation with a mentor at this stage may be helpful. A skills and knowledge gap analysis will identify appropriate learning and  development activities. Available opportunities and personal constraints, such as money availability, should be taken into account and targets should be high, practical, achievable and challenging, bearing in mind that the plan will change regularly. (Porter 1998). Relevant information such as technical subjects, foreseeable career opportunities and in – house or external development courses should be gathered. An outline plan stating objectives, priorities, target dates and appropriate activities must also be developed. If suitable, the plan should be agreed with interested parties such as colleagues, employer, and mentor or development specialist. The outline plan should be developed into a structured detailed plan to include such information as targets agreed resourced, agreed support, agreed control and responsibility. To meet development need and to achieve targets, a wide range of activities may be chosen and support of the employer may sought. Activities may be formal and structured, for example, as in courses, distance learning, conferences, presentations or research. The advantage of formal activities is that they will often offer tangible evidence that can be incorporated into a record of CPD, the disadvantage being that the employee may feel some of the cost, especially in the cases of external courses. CPD will be a combination of this formal structure as well as less structured activities such as work experience, assignments, on the job training or mentoring. Advantages derived here are the unexpected challenges and the professional contact leading to better learning. Successful development usually requires that learning activities be matched with practical applications. An important outcome of activities is the compilation of a detailed record of activities undertaken, which should show what activities have actually occurred and with what consequence. A suitable log/record book should include certificates of attendance at events, training syllabuses, completion certificates, performance appraisals as well as a personal development record. The review against the CPD plan must be measured in terms of new/improves  levels of competence. Some useful questions to ask at this stage include ‘ What added value was gained from this activity? What can I do now, do better, that I could not do before? How do I plan to use my new abilities? Am I making progress towards achieving my learning objectives? What lessons have I learned and what should I do next?’ As stated previously, CPD is a continuous process of planning, completing activities, assessment of those activities and review/feedback. Having completed the review and feedback stage, the plan must now be amended to start the process again. The benefit derived here is the regular updating of achievements, which will act as a useful historical record and a powerful document when in discussion with a current or potential employer. In terms of CPD, professional associations are particularly helpful in conducting a skills audit gap analysis, determining the knowledge and skills required for a particular job, setting development objectives and assessing learning experience. They also aid in deciding the next necessary steps and may offer encouragement and provide motivation to persist with a CPD activity, as well as suggesting other CPD activities. Advantages and disadvantages may arise from choosing professional associations from within and external to an organization. Benefits may include a structured plan being presented, mindful of deviations and credible certification. A downside from an internal association may be the training to a specific and specialized field, as in the case of Information Technology, thereby limiting employees. The advantages and disadvantages of CPD in relation to professional associations, employees and employers may best be shown by how CPD obligations affect those particular groups. CPD is important to employers because it involves the competence and efficiency of the workforce. Professionals aged under 30 ranked career development opportunities higher than salary, while those over 30 still place it high on their demands. (IMarEST 2001). Today, technology is  changing at such a rapid rate that individuals must keep up to date in order to remain competitive and employable, and, businesses must invest in their workforce in order to remain competitive and profitable. The crucial role played by people in a company is now widely recognized and now many firms are becoming involved with initiatives such as ‘ Investors in People.’ The employee who maintains his competence through CPD will be a highly valued member of the workforce, giving assurance to the truism that ‘ the investment in people appreciates, whilst investment in equipment depreciates.’ (IMarEST 2001). This investment by employers may be double edged, as people in the U K change their employers every 4.5 years on average, either voluntarily or compulsory, for example as a result of redundancy. Thus, one employer after investing in an employee’s CPD may find that he has prepared his employee for another employer. Investment in employee development provides a benefit to the company which result in ‘ bottom line profit.’ Even in the short run, payback can significantly exceed the outlay because when employees understand the processes they are working with, and appreciate the business objectives that they are working towards, their productivity and creativity improve. Individuals also gain greater job satisfaction which lead to a greater commitment to the company’s performance and therefore a lower rate of staff turnover, an advantage to employers. Employees should be encouraged to take a proactive role in deciding what training and development activities they should undertake, whilst employers should be helping and guiding such decisions to ensure that corporate goals are met. Individuals have a responsibility to themselves and their employers to consider what might be required in the future and to prepare themselves to be ready when opportunities occur and when changes are necessary. At the same time, employers have a responsibility to their company and their employees to provide an environment where people can develop the necessary skills and knowledge to take on new responsibilities as the need arises. (Christopher 1998). The days when we did a three to four year course and thought we’d been  trained for life have gone. Evolving technology, faster rate of product development and the need for employees to work across several disciplines, require everyone to be aware of the need to regularly update their skills. CPD offers a well recognized mechanism for all to update their technical competence, communication and management skills, and an appreciation of the commercial aspect of their industry. CPD will allow a person to spot opportunities and exploit new ideas effectively. From the point of view of not performing CPD, we can highlight some inherent disadvantages to all concerned parties. Clients are becoming more involved with their investments in terms of scrutiny. Vocal groups of shareholders may be ready to arm themselves with litigation, lobbying powers and letters whenever they feel professional standards may have slipped. CPD will be the proof of continued development and reviewing of professional standards, reducing an organization’s vulnerability to its professionalism being brought into question. Correctly maintained CPD will also have the benefit to review and explore one’s career and to discover strengths and weaknesses, holding to the adage ‘ to learn now ensures that you earn later.’ (Evans 1997). Every company need some form of career development program to produce a succession of motivated upward moving employees. Even employees who are destined to remain at the same level may need career development as their job change or become obsolete. Employers may invest in the CPD of their employees by some transparent actions. They need to clarify how business objectives may best be met by the investment in employees, and should use opportunities like annual appraisals to discuss individual development. They should listen to employees’ ideas and encourage them to consider personal goals, and setting realistic expectations, as there will be limited resources of time and money. Employers should persevere in CPD of employees, with regular review progress reports, as it will lead to tangible improvements in productivity and in the competitiveness of the business. A mentoring scheme should be established to assist in setting medium and long-term career goals. The wide ranges of activities that take place, daily, in the workplace provide many of the most important learning skills. People should be given the chance to experience different situations and develop a wide range of skills. In specific instances, formal, off the job training may be required. Employees should be encouraged to read widely to gain an appreciation of the wider issues related to their job. (Beer 1985). The professional development of staff should not be confined just to technical competence but should include the wider issues of environmental protection, health and safety, interpersonal skills, management techniques, and legal and financial knowledge, where necessary. Employers should actively encourage their employees to attend events organized by local groups of professional institutions and similar relevant organizations. These meetings offer both technical updating, by means of formal lectures, and the opportunity for discussion with other professional people working in related fields. Encouraging staff to network in this way is a key means of increasing competitiveness. It is of great benefit to employees to have help in reviewing their progress and guidance in choosing which routes to follow. Managers within a company should be aware of the importance of individual development and be able to guide those for whom they are responsible. They should be aware not only of development goals, but also of the different types of training requirements that different people have. (Bernardin and Russel 1993). It is strongly recommended that, where possible, a fellow professional act as a mentor to facilitate the CPD of employees, as helping individuals improve their performance will improve overall business results. There are no hard and fast rules for the amount of time to be spent on staff development. It is the benefit of an activity to a particular employee rather than the activity itself that is important and all learning opportunities, however informal, should be seized when they arise.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Evaluation Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evaluation - Movie Review Example The story revolves around a family where the father is a loser, the mother is a drunkard and the protagonist is a frustrated son trying to escape such dilemma. To do so, he often goes to his friend’s laboratory. During one of his visits, his scientist friend shows his invention, a time-machine; when all of a sudden, a group of thugs riding a van shot at the doctor. As he tries to escape the criminals, Marty rides the time machine which brought him to the past. His travel did not only offer adventures but a chance to help his father become a better man. Indeed, this is a unique way of presenting the common plot of stories of making things right. The protagonist living in his parent’s teenage world is also a wonderful way of doing â€Å"flashback† although of course it is not called a flashback because the scenes should be current. With such presentation of the story, it is awesome to think about a story sequentially unfolds but still is able to bring the audience back to the past and back to the future. The plot is pure genius and it exceeds my expectation of a good plot. Theme should always be a criterion for judging a story especially when it extends to various aspects of life. Obviously, the theme of Back to the Future is about changing for the better, perseverance and love. Nevertheless, sometimes, it is not the obvious that makes things great but the inconspicuous. I agree with Rubin Safaya who wrote about easily dismissed scenes that portray a well-thought theme. In his article, Safaya mentions the joke about the former actor Reagan becoming the president and Lou becoming one of the early colored politicians (2010). Such portrayals imply the theme of living the American dream, that nothing is impossible for a person who is determined to make his way to success. The actors are have well-played their parts to make the story come to life. Among the many reviews on

Friday, September 27, 2019

Anking Concept of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Anking Concept of Education - Essay Example When there is no conversation in a class, negative contestation and arguments may arise. Thus the conversation is a mind opener. Instead of permitting a traditional classroom with the lecture method of teaching, teachers should try out the problem posing technique to enhance learning. Problem posing starts where a teacher listens to students’ issues, then based on what she heard, she can select and put forward a well-known situation back to the students in codified forms such as written dialogues, drawings, stories, or even photographs. Each situation has social and personal conflicts that are emotionally charged for the learners. A teacher can present a sequence of inductive questions so that she can move the discussion of that specific situation from the real to a more analytic level (Freire 30). The teacher can use this method by directing learners to outline the problem, understand how the issue applies to them or affect their lives, determine the root of the issue, genera lize to the other students, and ultimately give opinions on how to solve the problem. An example to show the discussion above can be drawn from my own educational experience in high school. I can recall how my life during this time was like. My mother owned one of the biggest and popular beauty salon in my community. Every Sunday of the week was a day for my English teacher to come and style her hair in my mother’s salon. Just like any adolescent can do, I used to have conversations with my mother about careers and teaching was one of the careers we discussed most. I remember having told her on several occasions that I could not think of being a teacher at any point in life. My conscience was never wrong when I thought my English teacher and my mom used to discuss much about my progress. It was during these conversations that mom told Mrs Midiwo that I really hate the teaching profession. What I dint know was that Mrs Midiwo was building knowledge about me and that one day sh e would raise a discussion about the topic. It was that chilly Monday morning and my mother had told me the last night that they talked about my lack of interest in the teaching profession. I learned that my mother really wanted me to pursue the course in future and she had convinced Mrs. Midiwo to address the issue in the best way possible so that I could develop a bit of interest in the profession. There comes Mrs Midiwo and she introduces a topic about the rate of unemployment in the country. This was a situation that was familiar to most of my colleagues. After asking as to name some of the professions we knew, she asked as to meditate on the number of jobless people we had seen around. The teacher then asked, â€Å"Why do you think people get hardships in finding jobs?† After we stated our opinions, she directed the question to me by asking, â€Å"what kind of job do you hate most, and why?† I was already confused on what to say because I remembered that she knew my thoughts about the topic through my mother, and I had to be honest enough to shout; â€Å"teaching.† I have never felt so guilty but I was glad that she was so friendly and dint mean to imply anything. Even though my friends laughed, she seemed happy to have gotten a honest answer from me and this is what led way for the discussion. She encouraged us by mentioning some of the advantages of the teaching

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Religion and politics in the United States Research Paper

Religion and politics in the United States - Research Paper Example Ground Zero became a symbol for American perseverance and a shrine for all the lives lost in the tragedy. Ten years later, plans have been made to build a mosque near the site which has caused much strife in the American public. The construction of an identity that is rejected by the traditional American has been the result. This society is based on the exclusion of those who oppose the dominant ideology as opposed to including diverse ideology out of appreciation. Indeed the history of the U.S. has been a history of the exclusion of various groups at multiple points throughout the history of the nation. The current conflict is merely an extention of previous conflicts manifested with a new enemy. The best means of fully understanding this conflict is through an analysis of current and historical events, social transformations, and American narratives. The plans to build the 100 million dollar mosque were headlined by Sharif El-Gamal who has stood for religious freedom in the face of adversity and hate (Baum, 2011). In fact, recent polls indicated that most New York inhabitants did not want to have a mosque near the cite (Baum, 2011). In spite of this, Michael Bloomberg defended religious freedom by stating that â€Å"there is no neighborhood in this city off-limits to God's love and mercy (Baum, 2011)." On the opposite side of the table was Pamela Geller who is a conservative activist that leverages her blog, Atlas Shrugs, to attack El-Gamal for being a front man for the money behind the project as well as for Islamic supremacist who believe in constructing a mosque near the site of a war victory (Baum, 2011). Ironically, a current candidate for president, Donald Trump, used money as an incentive to attempt to get the mosque moved to a different location. In response, El-Gamal asked, "Are we supposed to move so we can create a Muslim-free zone, Muslim-free blocks (Baum, 2011)?" He was furious with the notion that the criminal act that occurred on September 11 th is a representation of all Muslims. In terms of the historical relationship between Islam and Christianity, the two communities have shared conflict and feuds. The reason why Islam is being compared to Christianity is because it is the primary religion in the U.S (Gaustad, 2004). Empirical examples that prove this to be true is the fact that currency holds that â€Å"In God We Trust† and each day we pledge allegiance, it is â€Å"Under God†. When these two concepts came under heat by activist, it was the Christians that stood in defense of the terms. Much like that situation, Christian sects are arising to contest the establishment of the mosque (Sachedina, 2001). This conflicts stems all the way back to the year 1095 where the first crusades began. The crusades were a series of religiously sanctioned wars where followers fought over a rite of passage (Stokes, 1950). It seems as if Christianity is consistently attempt to stop the spread of Islam as is proven in the Crusades where the cause was because of the attempt to recapture Jerusalem from Muslim rule. While Jerusalem served as the birthplace of the Christian figure Jesus, It serves as the point of ascension into heaven for the Islamic figure Muhammad. In fact, the Bill of Rights already settles the issue concerning the mosque by establishing Freedom of Religion as an essential right of all Americans (Stokes, 1950). It states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof (Mutua, 2004). This means that the formation of the country was more geared towards the free exercise of religion as opposed to the persecution of individuals who don’

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Why All New Buildings Should Be Eco-Friendly Essay

Why All New Buildings Should Be Eco-Friendly - Essay Example Besides, there is a general perception that developing eco-friendly building means disregard for aesthetic values. As a result, eco-friendly buildings are still not so widespread. The costs of developing an eco-friendly building vary from building to building; most of them are more costly than conventional buildings. For instance, in order to minimise the effects on environment, the risk mitigation fee of eco-friendly buildings is near three times higher than it is of conventional ones, as well as the overheads during construction are up to four times more (Newell 2008). Beside these costly inputs, the chief obstacle which causes investors are costly home and commercial property integration of energy efficient technologies which do not offer returns to the investors. Obviously, the owners will save their energy fee from these technologies but the builders can only balance these inputs by selling in higher prices which may cause losing the potential customers consequently. Another problem related to cost efficiency is that the market perceives the cost of capital and construction of eco-friendly building increase significantly as standards are established. Bef ore a new eco-friendly building could be put on the market, it has to be scrutinized by rigid criterion to be qualified as eco-friendly; this entails more money spending on building maintenance. For example, in Australia, it takes more than one year to be certified as â€Å"Green Star† which is a standard launched by Green Building Council Australia (GBCA), and about 8 percent of total financial investment have to be paid for advertising, management and equipments maintaining during this period (Newell 2008). However, in the long run, the return of eco-friendly buildings will out performs the cost invested (Kozlowski 2003 in Miller and Buys 2008).

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

What is jurisprudence all about Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

What is jurisprudence all about - Essay Example He is a legal positivist because he considers laws to be disconnected from morality itself and more in line with a system of social guidelines which come with punishments for violations. Thus the viewpoint taken of jurisprudence by him is one of the analytical side where jurisprudence is taken as the philosophy which guides rules in a society that are in turn made into the laws of the society. In effect, Jurisprudence is based on primary rules which actually define acceptable and unacceptable conduct in a social system and secondary rules which tell law officials how to use the primary rules. There are further subdivisions of secondary rules which include the rules of adjudication, the rules of change, and the rules of recognition. In these, the rules of adjudication show ways in which the jurisprudence governs the resolution of legal disputes. The rules of change govern how laws can be altered while the rules of recognition allow rules to be considered valid or invalid. In terms of jurisprudence as it connects with the rules that form the laws in society, it can be debated if morality should be made a part of the equation and there are those who suggest that morality is an important element when it comes to making or altering laws. However, considering that Hart takes morality out of the equation, it could make jurisprudence more dynamic as the norms of society may change much faster than the moral standards of a given social order. Ronald Dworkin is perhaps more important of these two legal thinkers since his contributions to the field of law extend far beyond jurisprudence alone. He also works with the philosophy of law and political ideology debates where his opinions have been widely accepted and opposed as well (Burgess-Jackson, 1998). With regard to jurisprudence, his leading theory is the theory of integrity as it applies to the philosophy of law and the participants in the legal system. An understanding of this

Monday, September 23, 2019

Comparison of Marx and Weber on theory of Inequality Essay

Comparison of Marx and Weber on theory of Inequality - Essay Example The contemporary debate on the theories of social inequality considers Marx’s and Weber’s view, with the aim of conceptualizing class analysis. Wright (2001) emphasized the centrality of class within the Marxist tradition. Marx stated that class struggle is the motor of history, and supported an exploitation-centered concept of class. Three Marxist theses are essential in order to understand his perspective on social inequality: (1) the radical egalitarianism thesis, according to which a radically egalitarian distribution of the material conditions of life would enhance human flourishing; (2) historical possibility thesis, suggesting the feasibility of organizing society for a radically egalitarian distribution of the material conditions of life, and (3) the anti-capitalism thesis. Marx considered capitalism as the enemy of social equality, since capitalism blocks the possibility of the radical egalitarianism. Breen (2001) outlined Weber’s view on social class, presented in Economy and Society. According to Weber, members of a class share common life chances, i.e. the chances that individuals have of procuring goods. Weber stated that the market distributes life chances in accordance with the various resources that individuals bring to it. â€Å"There is no assumption in Weber that class will be the major source of conflict within capitalist society or that classes will necessarily serve as a source of collective action. Rather, the focus is on the market as the source of inequalities in life chances† (Breen 2001: 42). For Weber, classes are of interest insofar as they shape life chances. Weber identified four classes under capitalism: the â€Å"dominant entrepreneurial and propertied groups; the petty bourgeoisie; workers with formal credentials (the middle class) and those who lack them and whose only asset is their labor power (the working class)† (Breen 2001: 42). I believe that

Sunday, September 22, 2019


Free trade Blessing in Disguise Essay Antagonists of government intervention envisage a liberalized or free trading arena. While international trade has been present throughout much of history , its economic, social, and political importance has only recently become apparent. Walter Block sees free trade as the only philosophy compatible with international peace and prosperity. Free trade involves the eradication of current trade barriers so as to encourage countries to specialize in production. Society thrives on trade simply because trade makes specialization possible. (Blinder p. 1). The basis of the free trade argument is an economic theory known as comparative advantage and was devised by David Ricardo in the late 19th Century. The Ricardian model is perhaps the most important concept in international trade theory. In a Ricardian model, countries specialise in producing what they produce best. Unlike other models, the Ricardian framework predicts that countries will specialise solely instead of producing a broad array of goods. Ricardo argues that trade will not affect . Take for example the situation of the Lawyer and the secretary. Some lawyers are better typists than their secretaries. Should such a lawyer therefore fire his secretary on these grounds, and do his own typing? Not likely. Though the lawyer may be better at both typing and presenting cases, he will fare better if concentrating his energies on arguing cases and leaving the typing for his secretary. Specialization not only aids in making the economy more efficient, it also leaves the lawyer and secretary with productive work to do. Nations act in much the same way. Countries are said to hone their skills on a particular good or service and trade with others that have done the same. Through peoples desire to acquire new skills and knowledge, coupled with the yearning for a greater range of products growing, the call for countries to abandon protectionist policies is imminent. Conclusion In conclusion protectionist policies should be abandoned in order to make way for the freer flow of goods. As discussed protectionist policies are detrimental to the overall economic success of a nation. Through such policies as subsidies, producers are less likely to better their products due to the absence of international competition. The implementation of freer trade promotes specialization of production and aids in consumers receiving better quality goods at a reduced price. In order for greater consumer choice and freedom protectionist policies should be re-evaluated. Reference List Blinder, A 1992, Free Trade, Liberty Fund Inc, Princeton, USA Bigelow, B Peterson, B (ed.) 2002, Rethinking Globalization: Teaching For Justice In An Unjust World, Rethinking Schools Press, Wisconsin, USA. Dunning, H 1993, The Globalization of Business, Routledge, London Dunning, H 2000, Regions, Globalization and the Knowledge-Based Economy, Oxford, New York Economic Planning Advisory Council 1994, Regional Trading Agreements, Australia, August 1994, background paper no. 40, Canberra. Hill, Charles W.L. 2006, Global Business Today, Mcgraw-Hill Irwin, New York. International Monetary Fund 1988, Issues and Developments in International Trade Policy, December 1988, Occasional Paper no. 63, Washington.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Biography of Indian Yellow Essay Example for Free

A Biography of Indian Yellow Essay Indian Yellow is a raw pigment which, as the name suggests, originated in India in the 17th century and was used until the early 20th century. Its source remained a mystery for many years. In 1786 the amateur painter, Roger Dewhurst recorded in letters to friends, that Indian yellow was an organic substance made from the urine of animals fed on turmeric (Myers, pg 1). Around this time, the English chemist George Field claimed it was made from camel urine. In 1839, J.F.L. Merimee, denied its association with urine in spite of its odor, citing its origin was a shrub called ‘memecylon tinctorium’ in his book ‘The Art of Painting in Oil and Fresco’, In 1886 the Journal of the Society of Arts in London began a systematic inquiry of the pigment, revealing that Indian yellow was manufactured in rural India (in particular in Monghyr, a city in Bengal) from the urine of cattle fed only on mango leaves and water (Finlay, pg 216-217). The collected urine was heated in order to precipitate the yellow matter, then strained, pressed into lumps by hand and dried, producing foul-smelling hard yellow balls of raw pigment, called ‘purree’ (Mukharji, pg 16-17). European importers would then wash and purify the balls, separating greenish and yellow phases. It is the mango not the urine thats crucial to the color. The colorant is a magnesium salt of an organic acid released by the mango. Chemically it is magnesium euxanthate, the magnesium salt of euxanthic acid. See more: My Writing Process Essay Naturally, the cows that were exploited by this process were extremely undernourished. In part because mango leaves did not supply the cattle with sufficient nutrients along with the fact that these leaves contain the toxin urushiol, also found in poison ivy. In 1908, British law (which applied to colonized India) prohibited the production of Indian yellow, citing the torture of sacred animals. The pigment is believed to have first been used in Europe by Dutch artists in the 17th century (the Dutch having extensive trading links with India by then) and by the end of the 18th century across Europe in watercolor and oil painting. For the first years of its introduction in the European market, this pigment was simply named after its country of origin, ‘Purà ©e of India’(Finlay, pg 209-211). This was further simplified to ‘jaune indien’ (French), ‘giallo indiano’ (Italian), ‘Indischgelb’ (German) or ‘Indian Yellow’ when tr anslated into other languages (Myers, pg 1). Deep, clear and luminescent, it was favored for its great body and depth of tone. It had a peculiar characteristic in its watercolor form of fading in artificial light and in the dark but being fairly stable in direct sunlight. In its oil form, it requires one hundred percent for grinding, dries slowly, and the addition of varnish improves its drying, in fact its lightfastness is also improved when it is isolated between layers of varnish. Dutch and Flemish painters of the 17th and 18th centuries favored it for its translucent qualities often using it to represent sunlight. Beautiful as the color is, the pigment was said to be foul-smelling in its raw form. In the novel ‘Girl With the Pearl Earring’ Vermeers patron remarks that Vermeer used cow piss to paint his wife, the pigment referred to was Indian Yellow. By the early twentieth century the pigment was no longer available, although its modern substitutes are still sold under the name Indian yellow. Bibliography 1. Baer, N.S., â€Å"Indian Yellow† in â€Å"Artists’ Pigments, a Handbook of Their History and Characteristics†, Volume 1, R.L. Feller, Editor, Oxford University Press, New York (1986) 2. Finlay, Victoria, â€Å"Color: A NAtural History of the Palette† (2003 edition), Random House 3. Merimee, M.J.F.L., â€Å"The Art of Painting in Oil and Fresco† (2009 edition), Kessinger Publishing 4. Mukharji, T.N., â€Å"Piuri or Indian Yellow†, Journal of the Society of Arts (1883-84) 5. Myers, David, â€Å"Indian Yellow†, The Art Blog of David Myers (February 1, 2011) 6. â€Å"Indian Yellow†, Pigments Through the Ages,

Friday, September 20, 2019

Empowering Male Children for Sustainable Development

Empowering Male Children for Sustainable Development EDUCATION AND BOY-CHILD EMPOWERMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN KENYA: THE CASE OF BUSIA COUNTY CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Background of the Study The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child states that every child has a right to primary education and of which should be free. The boy child’s needs and interests have been neglected and marginalised by some educational policies, cultural practices, poverty, and many more factors which tend to subject the boy child to stressful conditions or alienate the boy child from the means of acquiring education, intra-family priorities, and the labour culture in Kenya. When affirmative action gained currency in Kenya, the needs and aspirations of the girl child were prominently amplified by the civil society, donor agencies, and lobby groups who included feminist scholars. This was followed by the concerted effort by the government of Kenya to address the plight of the girl child in Kenya. Today, a lot of attention has been directed to the girl child leaving the boy child quite vulnerable. Most programs in both the public and private sector are focused in improving the w elfare of the girl child in education, health, and in the recruitment process. Hence, this study addresses the plight of the boy child so that adequate effort is made to ensure that he accesses education without due regard to gender affiliations. The boy child of today has become vulnerable physically, mentally and economically. The simplest way to identify past achievements in child development is to observe the behaviour patterns of the current adult population. The rise of male battery in Kenya, the increase in cases of substance abuse amongst the youth, the rise of crime levels, the sharp increase in traffic accidents attributed to human error, the burning of public service vehicles during night hours, and the increase in the number of absent fathers is a reflection of bleeding Kenyan society. The study contends that the empowerment of the boy child through education to avoid early drop out is quintessential to economic, social and political growth of Kenya as a whole. In general, insufficient government policies, widespread poverty, cultural practices that negate boy child education, partisan focus towards the plight of the girl child has negated the empowerment of the boy child educationally. 1.1 Statement of the Research Problem The efforts which have been employed since independence to achieve gender parity in education have failed its objectives and manage effectively the empowerment of the boy child in Kenya. In spite of the government effort to enable both the boy child and girl child participation and access to education, there is still a high dropout rate in both primary and secondary levels. In an economic perspective, education is known to be a key determinant of economic growth and premature dropout means loss of potential productivity for the boy child. In an educational perspective, dropout raises the cost of achieving a targeted proportion of the population having some level of schooling (Hanushek, Lavy, and Hitomi 2006). Although drop out may appear insignificant in proportion but it is preponderant among the poor which thereupon turns the wheels of intergenerational transmission of poverty against them. At personal level, dropping out of school will mean consigning one to a future of low-income trajectory and abject poverty. The aim of this study is to identify these governmental policies, personal problems, and societal practices of the Luhya and Iteso communities in Busia County that account for high dropout levels of the boy child’s education. However, the dropout rate across genders has been a perennial problem in the Kenyan education system. Similarly like many parts of Kenya, Busia County has been experiencing a high dropout rate of male students in both primary and secondary schools. This study seeks to investigate the reason for this trend. 1.2 Research Questions The research seeks to answer the following questions:- What are the school based factors that keep the boy child out of school? What socio-cultural factors lead to drop out of the boy child in Busia County? What personal factors lead to boy child drop out from primary and secondary schools? What are the possible factors of retention of the boy child in schools? Does performance among the boys affect their dropout rate? What are the possible policies gaps that encourage boy child drop out from schools? 1.3.  General Objective The main objective of this study is to investigate the factors leading to drop out of the boy child from primary and secondary schools and the role of government in ensuring the boy child is empowered educationally in Busia County. 1.3.1 Specific Objectives The principle objectives of this study are: To determine the school based factors that lead to drop out of the boy child in schools. To establish socio-cultural factors that lead to drop out of the boy child in schools. To establish boy child’s personal factors that lead to drop out from schools. To suggest possible ways of enhancing retention of the boy child in schools. To establish policy based factors that lead to drop out from schools. 1.3 Significance of the Study The study is significant in that:- The research findings and recommendations of the study would assist educational stakeholders, planners and policymakers to: Identify, test and apply principles for successful achievement of gender balance in enrolment, successful completion of study and transition to the labour market Promote the value of neutral governmental policies in ensuring both the girl child and the boy child attain their full educational potential The research would provide information to the government of Kenya and other educational stakeholders on how to expand educational opportunities for both the boy child and girl child The research will provide information on the role of cultural practices in curtailing or improving boy child education, and ways to reverse a negative trend The study would be important in its attempt to identify ways that education stakeholders can initiate to enhance community involvement in the development of education in Kenya 1.4 Scope of the Study The study is to be confined to primary pupils, secondary school students, teachers, head teachers, parents, out-of-school pupils, and county education officials in Busia County. 1.5 Definition of Terms Drop out Early withdrawal of pupils and students from primary and secondary schools respectively without completing the required primary or secondary school years and the concerned pupils or students do not enroll back to school again. Gender – Social and cultural distinctions between men and women where distinctions refer to roles, relations and identities associated with sex. Those roles associated with male are called masculine while those associated with female are called feminine. Transition – Refers to changing from one state to another. It means the pupils who complete the primary school cycle and move to the secondary school. Once in secondary school, they complete the secondary school cycle and proceed to university. Schools – Primary and Secondary institutions of learning CHAPTER TWO 2.0 Literature Review This chapter outlines the literature that is based on studies that have been conducted and are directly or indirectly related to this study. 2.1 Overview of boy child education around the world From 1990, UNESCO has played a key role in making Education for All a priority. This extent, most segments of society have accepted that human rights, good governance and an educated citizenry are the best and strongest in achieving development, economic growth and stability (UNESCO/World Economic Forum, 2008). 2.2 Overview of boy child education in Africa In 1970s, Tanzania’s successful applicants to public secondary schools represented 11% of primary school leavers but the number dropped to only 1% of primary school leavers in 1984 because Tanzania neither permitted private secondary schools nor expanded public primary schools due to its socialist system. But when Tanzania began licensing private schools in the mid 1980s enrolment grew rapidly and it exceeded the enrolment in public schools. This growth demonstrated the previously unmet demand for secondary education in Tanzania (Word Bank, 1995). 2.3 Overview of boy child education in Kenya Education in Kenya is still a challenge due to lack of enough facilities to absorb the ever increasing number of pupils who successfully achieve high marks in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examinations. This has resulted in many pupils missing an opportunity to join secondary schools due to inadequate facilities to meet the high demand. An estimated 206,282 (28%) of pupils who sat for KCPE examinations in 2010 did not get a slot to join form one in 2011 because the maximum number of enrolments in secondary had been reached (Daily Nation, January 11th 2011). Although this represents a transition rate of 72 % as compared to the Millennium Development Goals target of 70%, the number of pupils missing to join form one is still very high in Kenya and this includes boys. 2.5 Overview of boy child in Busia County Kingdon in his studies on: â€Å"Where has all the bias gone? Detecting gender-bias in the household allocation of education expenditure† found out that the most important factors affecting educational attainment are parental background, wealth, opinions, individual ability, age-at-marriage and the quality of the primary school attended. (Kingdon, 2005) 2.5.1 Personal factors leading to students dropout from school The concerns of the boy child can cause him to drop out of school. The socialization process in schools will either lead to the integration of the boy child to the education system or feel out of place. According to Wrigley (1995), there is a simple relationship between education and gender equality. Schools act as sites of pervasive gender socialization. Wanyoike (2003) argues that the pupil or student peer groups if not guided well can lead to distressing outcomes like engaging in substance abuse, unprotected sex and bad study habits. This will eventually lead to dropping out of school. 2.5.2 Socio-cultural factors leading to students drop out from school Social cultural factors leading boy child drop out from primary and secondary schools will be viewed under family set up and beliefs, early marriage and family economic status in both rural and an urban setup will be observed. Family set up and beliefs According to the World Bank (1996), there are socio-cultural practices that affect the functioning of schools in developing countries. Brown (1980) observed that that some children are withdrawn from schools by parents in rural areas to assist in household chores like babysitting younger children, escorting parents to public functions, ferry water from long distances, caring for the sick relatives, grazing of cattle among others. This eventually affects the performance of the boy child and in most cases lead to drop out. This study will therefore determine the extent in which family set up leads to the boy child drop out of school in Busia County Early Marriage The problem of early marriage has been considered a problem affecting the girl child alone. There are some traditional practices such as male circumcision and other initiation ceremonies that force the boy child out of school early to start his own family. These factors will be investigated in Busia County to determine whether they are prevalent. Family Economic Status The situation analysis survey done in Kwale county in 1995 points out that poverty as the most important factor for students dropping out of school (33 %t and 64 %). (Okumu, 1995) Report by the Ministry of Education (2007) indicates that 58% of the Kenyan population is living below the poverty line. This however leads to inability of the poor to meet education cost for their children be it boys or girls. As a result, this becomes a barrier to the education for boys who withdraw from school to engage in informal trade such as â€Å"bodaboda† a factor which the study seeks to investigate. Psacharopoulos and Woodhall (1997) further point out that those families that can barely sustain their livelihoods due to abject poverty opt to keep their children out of school and use them as labourers to earn extra income for bare minimum survival. 2.5.3 School based factors leading to boy child drop out from school The school based factors on the causes of male students drop out from primary and secondary schools will be looked at by observing discrimination, and sexual harassment by fellow pupils or students and teachers. 2.5.4 Student discrimination by teachers Blackmore and Cooksey (1981) explain that when a student is admitted into primary and secondary schools, there are certain routine procedures that take place. The pupil or student is subject to command from the teachers. This study will therefore confirm whether the drop out of male pupils or students is related to discrimination by teachers in Busia County. 2.5.5 Sexual harassment There has been a growing number of reported cases pupil or student sexual harassment by teachers or fellow students. The Ministry of Education (2007) argued that gender insensitive school environment include attitudes of the key stakeholders in the school leads to many reported incidents of sexual harassment and gender based biases. 2.5.6 Policy based factors leading to boy child drop out from school According to the Ministry of Education report on KCPE examination registration per county in 2013, there has been a decline in the number of boy child registration in several counties including Bungoma, Nyandarua, and Machakos among others (Ministry of Education, 2013). This study will seek to understand the reasons as to why this trend is emerging. 2.5.7 Theoretical framework Theoretical frame work used in this study will be based on theories such as rational choice theory and liberal theory. Rational Choice Theory is a framework for understanding and often formally modelling social and economic behaviour. Rational choice theory can help shed light on the motives of influential national, county and local actors and interests groups involved in making education policies in Kenya. This will enhance access, retention and completion rates. It is therefore imperative to adopt rational choice and classical liberalism theories because the both theories will bring out the influences of society and individual decisions that affect the education of the boy. Thus the need to utilize the theories as the study seeks to establish the factors leading to drop out and low boy child empowerment in education in Busia County. REFERENCES Abagi, O. (1992). Addressing the Gender Gap in Education in an Emerging Democratic Society of Kenya; A paper prepared for the workshop on democratic and democratization in Kenya. Nairobi: Department of foundation Kenyatta University. Brown, F.B. (1980). A Study of the School Needs. Phidela Kappan. p. 61, 537 – 540. Borg, W. R. S. Gall, M.D. (1985) Education Research: An Introduction.4 Ed. NewYork: Longman Publishers. Fatuma, N.C. . Sifuna, D.N. (2006) Girls and Women’s Education in Kenya: Gender perspectives and trends. Nairobi: UNESCO. Hanushek, E., Lav, V., . Hitomi, K. (2006) Do student care about school quality: Determinants of dropout behaviour in developing countries. NBER Working Paper Cambridge, Massachusetts: National Bureau of Economic Research. Kingdon, Geeta, 2005. â€Å"Where has all the bias gone? Detecting gender-bias in the household allocation of education expenditure,† Economic Development and Cultural Change, Volume 53, pages 409–451. Mutambai, B. (2005). A Case Study on Teenage Pregnancy: School times: Educational Insight Magazine. Pg. 42 MOE, (2007) Gender Policy in Education. Nairobi: Government Printer. Psacharopoulos, G., .Woodhall, M. (1997) Education for Development: An Analysis ofInvestment Choices. Washington: World Bank. Republic of Kenya, (1989) Totally Integrated Quality Education and Training: Koech report. Nairobi: Government printer. Sifuna, D.N. (1988). A Study of School Drop Out in Girls High Schools. A case study of Bungoma District in Kenya: Kenya journal of Education Research. Vol. 14 Pg 13 – 142. UNESCO, (1998) Wasted Opportunities: When Schools Fail: Education for all status. New York: Oxford University Press. UNESCO, (2003) Gender Education for all: The leap to equality. Paris: UNESCO. UNESCO, (2005) Give Everyone a Chance to Learn, Education for all. Nairobi: UNESCO. Wanjiru, N. (2007). Factors Contributing to School Drop Out in Mombasa District. Nairobi Wanyoike, W. (2003) Understanding Youth and Family: From a Christian Perspective.Nairobi Wrigley, J.(1995) Education and Gender Equality. London: The palmer press. World Bank, (1996) Technical Paper No, 303. Washington DC. U.S: World Bank.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Henry VII & Richard III :: European Europe History

Henry VII & Richard III Richard the Third had just recently become King of England. But he did not know that soon he would not Henry Tudor was from Wales. His surname was really spelt 'Tewdwr.' It was changed to the English way though when he became King of England. Henry was too to France by his Uncle Jasper in 1471, fourteen years before the Battle of Bosworth. His uncle took him to Brittany. There, Henry learnt a lot. He learnt about warfare, treachery and betrayal. He also learned about court politics and how to keep supporters. This helped Henry very much with the Battle of Bosworth. Henry landed at Milford haven in South Wales. He had about two thousand soldiers with him. He marched all through Wales and the Midlands. When he got to the battle site he had around five thousand troops. He had gained more than three thousand on his journey. The battle was fought up on a hill at Bosworth. At the battle site there was a third army. It was small and led by Lord William Stanley. It did not know what side to join. Henry started the battle by moving up the hill and charging at Richard. Stanley decided which side to join. It would be Henry's. He hit on the rear of Richards army causing the Kings forces to run. Richard fell from his horse in the rush and was eventually killed. As the battle ended, Stanley found the Kings crown hanging on a thorn bush. Lord Stanley crowned Henry the King of England. Henry then married Edward the IV'S daughter Elizabeth. This united both of the families together. The battle of Bosworth wasn't any old battle. It was very important in history. The Lancastrian, Henry Tudor defeated the Yorkist, Richard the third at the battle of Bosworth field in 1485 and became King

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Things they carried Portfolio :: essays research papers

Am Literature  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tarriq Hansrajh 06/07/05  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   4th Entry #1: In my pockets: Cell phone – 5oz Keys – 2oz Wallet – 3oz In my backpack: Spanish book – 5lbs Trig book – 9lbs 4 1 inch binders – 12lbs USHAP notebook – 1lb Other misc. items – 1.5lbs Total Weight: 29lbs 10oz This estimate does not surprise me at all because when I think about all the work that we have to do I remember all the textbooks that we have to carry around. In addition sometimes I come home with my back aching, but that’s usually only when I carry my USHAP notebook with me as well Am Literature  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tarriq Hansrajh 06/07/05  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4th Entry #2: â€Å"Rat† Kiley was born Bob Kiley on April 7 1939 in Albany, New York to Marie and Charlie Kiley. At age 11 Bob was given the nickname â€Å"Rat† by one of his friends when they were walking home from school one day when apparently Bob fell into a large open dumpster and when he emerged he had a few strings of spaghetti sticking out of the back of his pants. The nickname stuck with him all the way to his adulthood. Rat graduated from Creekside High School in 1957. He did not want to attend college right away but wanted to work in one of the factories in his home town to earn some money to pay for college. Even then his co-workers called him â€Å"Rat†. Two years later he had managed to save ten thousand dollar to put toward his college tuition but unfortunately he was drafted just like the rest of the men his age who were not attending college. When he was in Vietnam Rat encountered many terrible situations and was faced with severe heart ache when his best fri end Curt Lemon is killed by a landmine. Rat was devastated by this terrible event and felt an extreme sense of loneliness especially when he wrote a letter to Curt’s sister and she never responded. Rat fought through the rest of the war seeing too many tragedies that are too horrible to mention here and when he returned to his family in 1973, two years before the war ended they found his behavior very strange. They found that he was not the same person that he was before and eventually the found that he had gone completely insane. Rat would mumble things to himself and would scream as if he saw his friend Curt being killed right in front of him.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

What Sustainability Issues Will Arise from the Large Scale?

What sustainability issues will arise from the large scale adoption of electric cars? With the recent introduction of the electric car into Ireland, I am going to outline some of the sustainability issues that will arise from their large scale adoption. The car has already received backing by the government who have recently announced their plans for the induction and eventual change over to electrically powered vehicles. What is an Electric Car? An electric car, is a vehicle which like the typical cars seen throughout the world, has four wheels, doors, windows and a roof.The difference between the typical common car and the electric car, comes when you look at the power source, in the common car an Internal Combustion Engine is used to convert fuel (generally unsustainable fossil fuels like diesel or petrol) to mechanical energy, the Electric Car uses electric motors powered by batteries or an onboard fuel cell. The common car with its Internal Combustion Engine has advantages and d isadvantages; the cost to purchase a car with an internal combustion engine compared to an electric car is lower, as there is the ability to mass produce a product which is still in huge demand.In today’s world oil derived fuel is accessible and relatively cheap to the consumer, as the infrastructure is already set up to enable the simple and quick refuelling of the car. The negative side to the common car is the fuel which it used, all of the fuels for Internal Combustion engines are derived from oil. The worldwide production of oil has peaked and oil production is now dwindling, this is not easily seen by the consumer purchasing the fuel who might be oblivious to the fact.With an increasing demand for oil and an ever decreasing supply it is becoming more and more difficult and expensive to produce oil which is useable, oil is now so valuable that there are wars over supplies. Another negative side to the Internal Combustion engine is its inability to convert the energy from the fuel into usable mechanical energy, during the combustion process the fuel is converted to useable mechanical energy but there is also heat and noise energy given off, this is an unwanted waste of fuel.The issue of harmful gas emissions when the oil fuel is burned is another major downfall with the Internal Combustion engine, as when the fuel is combusted it releases carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide as well as hydro carbons and ozone. Some of these gases are toxic and harmful to humans but the big issue is with the carbon dioxide emissions, as it contributes to global warming or â€Å"the duvet effect† which is an ongoing problem throughout the world.Transport powered by fossil fuels is responsible for 20% of Carbon Dioxide emissions worldwide. It is the sustainability issues of the common car’s Internal Combustion engine which sparked the need for the development of a new way to travel, the electric car which has come out on the top of the list for new more sus tainable transport methods. Different types of Electric cars An electric car is a vehicle that is powered by simple electric motors, how the electricity to run the motor is created or stored can vary.The most common type of electric car is one which has a large or a number of smaller batteries which stores electricity from an external power supply, generally the mains electricity grid. The other more sustainable type of electric car is one with an onboard power station, capable of producing its own electricity. A hydrogen fuel cell uses hydrogen to produce electricity through the process of electrolysis, the combination of hydrogen and oxygen creates an electric current and gives off a by-product of water.As hydrogen is the most abundant element on earth, there is a sustainable supply of fuel, the only problem with hydrogen is the difficulty faced when harnessing and storing the fuel. Hydrogen generally comes bonded to other elements; this chemical bond is difficult to break, after harnessing the pure hydrogen it has to be pressurised and turned into a liquid for easy transportation. Although the process seems complicated it is no more complex than extracting oil from the sea bed, which is being done on a daily basis to fuel the Internal Combustion engines already on the roads today.The hydrogen fuel is similar to petrol or diesel, it is a liquid when put under pressure. The pressure is the other problem with hydrogen, but with simple modifications the infrastructure already in place for existing fuels like petrol and diesel, the hydrogen fuel could become main stream without difficulty and relatively quickly. Government Plans: New charging points, at parking spaces The Irish Government announced their campaign for the future, they plan to have 10% of all cars powered electrically by the year 2020.The 10% target was first announced in the Carbon Budget, presented by Minister for the Environment John Gormley in October 2008. In order to make this a viable plan the Government have collaborated with the Electricity Supply Board (ESB) and have developed a simple way of charging (refuelling) the battery powered electric car away from home, as the battery will lose its charge after a long journey leaving the driver with no way home. The charging points are small, American style parking meter design which the car is simply parked beside and plugged in left to charge.The first four of these charging points have been set up in Dublin and unveiled by the ESB in March 2010, a further 1500 charging points are due to be put in place in Dublin, Limerick, Galway, Cork and Waterford. The Government see it as their priority to have these charge points throughout the country, unlike other countries who just seem to focus only on the big cities which are densely populated, their plan includes the immediate inclusion of all towns with a population of over 1500 people, with the expectation for nationwide coverage after the success of the initial phase.The ch arge points will come in different types, varying in power rating which affects charge times. The higher power charge points are expected to charge a battery in 20 minutes; these high power points are to be set up to replace filling stations along side motorways for â€Å"in journey charging† e. g. driving from Dublin to Cork. These high power â€Å"juice points† are expected to be put in place every 60km. The mid range points give a 2-3 hour charge, and will be placed at typical parking places e. g. charge while shopping or at work.The standard charge point with similar power to the standard socket found in the home, charge time at lower power should take 6-8 hours e. g. overnight charging at home. The Government expects to have 2000 electrically powered cars on the roads by 2011, and are implementing tax breaks for enthusiasts who purchase the more sustainable and environmentally friendly electric cars; there will be a grant of up to â‚ ¬5000 and also Vehicle Regi stration Tax (VRT) excluded, this combined with road tax exclusion would bring the electric car price down low enough to compete with the price of the common car with its Internal Combustion Engine.The grant aids will be in place for a maximum of 6000 cars, after which the scheme to get the high efficient cars on our roads would be seen as a success. With these tax breaks, a tax shortfall is foreseeable, combined with an expected cost of â‚ ¬39m to subsidise the first 2000 cars. The cars set for the Irish market come from Renault-Nissan, which limits the choice to a small number of cars. The Renault Fluence(left) and the Nissan Leaf (right) are the two models set for the Irish market, drastically reducing the choice which the consumer is used to.Renault is leasing the battery which powers the car for a price of â‚ ¬100 per month, whereas Nissan are still not sure if they are even going to include the battery in the price of the car. This will reduce the attractiveness of the c ars, and further increase the costs. Production of the electricity to power the cars In order to make the Electric Car sustainable, the electricity used to charge the battery would have to come from a sustainable and clean source. Ireland’s electricity at the moment comes from a range of power stations, with only 11% of the electricity coming from renewable sources.The majority of the country’s electricity comes from dirty unsustainable fossil fuelled power stations. This unsustainable electricity would be supplying the power to recharge the batteries of the electrically powered cars, which would eliminate the some benefits of carbon neutrality from the electric car. This table shows where all of Ireland’s electricity comes from; in order for the electric car to be a complete success the supply of electricity must also be sustainable.The electric car company Tesla say that in the worst case scenario the car would only be producing 80g/km of CO2, even with the el ectricity coming from inefficient source, which is still lower than the most efficient Internal Combustion Engines available today. With Irelands high potential for wind energy production soon to be further exploited, the conversion from oil fuel to electrical could be seen as a change to self-sufficiency, not having to rely on ever declining supplies from the east.Effect of batteries, lifespan and replacement. In a conventional Internal Combustion Engine there are over 1000 moving parts, making it susceptible to break down or fail. In order to keep these types of engine in good working order, regular servicing and maintenance has to take place. In the electric car their drive train is a simple electric induction motor which has only one moving part which greatly reduces the need for servicing and lowers maintenance costs.The batteries used in electric cars vary greatly depending on the size and weight of the car, a modern lightweight ZEBRA battery which makes use of new technologie s and ideas, is one type being used in a range of vehicles. A ZEBRA battery of 0. 12m3 and 184kg is capable of delivering double the energy of the old lead-acid battery of 0. 19m3 and 525kg; this enables the car to be lighter which reduces the amount of energy needed to make the car move.The ZEBRA battery has been thoroughly tested and demonstrated a lifespan of over 14 years, with no gassing or self discharge; this means the battery is maintenance free. Lithium Exports in 2008 Lithium Imports in 2008 Lithium production in the future The sustainability of the Lithium in the batteries is another issue which will have to be faced when considering the large scale adoption of electric cars. Lithium is already in high demand to power the many million mobile phone and laptop batteries in use around the world.Japan, China and South Korea have 98% of the worlds Lithium battery production. China is importing almost half of the raw Lithium with a plan to produce their own when the demand is t here; they feel that it is still cheaper and easier to import it presently. The huge demand for Lithium has sparked the need for research into new alternative ways of producing it. South Korea has announced its plans to commercially extract Lithium from sea water by 2015, but there is much doubt around the idea, as there is not enough demand to cover the enormous cost of desalinising huge volumes of sea water.The idea of extracting the Lithium from the sea water could become mainstream in a number of years when the consumers demand increases. Seoul has also set aside $12bn for attainment of the raw materials from Bolivia, which is believed to have the world’s biggest deposits at the â€Å"Salar de Uyuni† salt flats in the Altiplano plateau of the Andes Mountains. The salt flats have a thick crust of salt which covers a pool of brine, which is rich in lithium. It is expected to contain 50 to 70% of the world's lithium reserves.Bolivia is one of the poorest countries in South America but has over half of the world’s reserve of Lithium; the extraction of the raw material could be the boost which the countries needs. The production of the Lithium would create employment for local communities, and revenue for the country giving improving the country’s economy. Often times with the extraction of raw materials, as seen worldwide, it is only the companies who see the profits, leaving the local communities out.The local flora and fauna is often exploited and driven out of their habitat, which can lead to extinction. Although the salt flats are almost lifeless there are some animals and plant life which frequent the area, Flamingos are one of the birds which use the flats as a breeding ground in early winter, these extravagant birds which get their beautiful colour from the food they eat which are native to the salt flats. Many of the dominant countries have already allocated vast amounts of money to secure a steady supply of Lithium by buyin g into Bolivia reserves.Piles of Salt after extraction Salty brine from which the Lithium is extracted The Bolivian flag flying above Salt flats Alternatives to Lithium New studies being conducted, have found that Zinc-Air battery technology is proving to be a viable alternative to Lithium Ion batteries. The Zinc-Air idea is in early stages of development and production, and is expected to enter the market on small scale in products like hearing-aids; if it proves successful there are plans in place to upscale the technology to mobile hones and laptops and further to electric cars. The research so far has brought about some promising findings for the Zinc-Air technologies; it has the potential to deliver three times the power of the Lithium Ion battery, with reduced size and weight. Lithium-Air is another technology with expected potential for electric cars, but is only in early stages of development and won’t be ready for large scale production in the near future. Performanc e, Maintenance of the engine, and lifespanThe electric car, unlike its predecessor with hundreds of parts, makes use of simple electric motors with only one moving part. This greatly reduces the amount of expected problems. The car itself will need maintenance, tyres and lights etc. Retraining the mechanics- The mechanics already trained to service and maintain common cars, would need their qualifications upgraded to deal with the electronics of the electronic car. Although the technology in the battery powered cars is straightforward, some further training would be needed to ensure the safe maintenance of electrical equipment.Appearance/Types- Performance- Standard internal combustion engine cars are rated with bhp and torque whereas the electric motor has a kWh rating, but they are related. The prejudice connected with the electric cars, is that they are slow and won’t be able to do all of the things typical oil fuelled engines can do. With the electric motor delivering all of its torque all of the time acceleration is no problem, 0-100km in 3. 7s faster than a petrol guzzling Porshe 911 GT-3. Peoples trust in the new technologyWith all new technologies comes doubt, people are often afraid of change and feel that things need time to prove themselves. The technology used in the electric vehicle has been around for decades seen as early as 1835 used in public transport. Over the years has become more refined and efficient, it has now switched its focus from public transport, where it is already in use, to the individual types of transport which causes so much pollution 20%-25% of CO2 emissions. The electric car is therefore not new technology as the base on which it has been developed has been in use for already.This proving time should enable the immediate adoption of the electric car as there should be no prejudice. Tesla’s flagship, high performance roadster Tesla model S, 2012 family saloon Disposal of cars when finished, how much can be recy cled The battery in Tesla’s electric car have a long lifespan of 160,000 kilometres before it begins to lose its ability to charge and discharge at the efficiency needed to keep the high up the cars high performance. The cells for the Tesla battery are made in Japan, where the environmental laws are strict and products have to meet the RoHS standards.The RoHS bans the placing on the EU market of new electrical and electronic equipment containing more than agreed levels of lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants. This means that there are no heavy metals or toxic materials allowing the battery to be land filled in a worst case scenario. Tesla batteries can be reused in other less demanding applications, off grid storage or load levelling when the demand for electricity is low but it is still production.This is a huge problem faced by power stations as there is huge costs involved chang ing power output between peak times. The batteries will eventually lose their ability to hold charge completely, at this stage they will need to be disposed of. Specialist companies have been set up to recycle batteries from electric vehicles, Kinsbursky Brothers an environmental management company and Toxco the world’s largest recycler of lithium batteries have teamed up to form the most efficient recycler of electric cars. The batteries are shredded and separated into their original elements, some of which can be reused in new batteries and other products.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Quality Control Essay

As products and services evolve, consumer expectations tend to increase so that yesterday’s quality product becomes tomorrow’s junk. Quality revolves around meeting customer expectations, expectations that may be stated or implied. One action that sums up quality from a business perspective is when the customer returns after the sale and the product doesn’t. The statistical definition of quality is a little more precise than other definitions, such as the customer-based concept, and is based on mathematics. When you measure quality statistically, you look for variation in a measurement between what the ? ustomers asks for and what you produce. The less variation you have, the higher the quality of your product or service. All processes have some natural variation; you use statistics to detect abnormal variation that could cause you to produce a bad product or service. You can also use statistics to avoid testing every item that you produce. By testing a sample of what you make or deliver, you can use statistics to measure its quality and find out whether it meets customer requirements the statistical definition of quality is a little more precise than other definitions, such as the customer-based concept, and is based on mathematics. When you measure quality statistically, you look for variation in a measurement between what the customers asks for and what you produce. The less variation you have, the higher the quality of your product or service. All processes have some natural variation; you use statistics to detect abnormal variation that could cause you to produce a bad product or service. You can also use statistics to avoid testing every item that you produce. By testing a sample of what you make or deliver, you can use statistics to measure its quality and find out whether it meets customer requirements. After you as an organization decide on a definition of quality you need standards against which to measure your quality. Many standards are driven by the desire to safeguard the health and well-being of the people who use the products or services companies provide. Quality standards also are critical in support of international trade. Almost every industry has an association or trade group that sets quality standards against which companies can measure the quality of their products or services. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international body made up of the national standards organizations for almost every country. Quality assurance focuses on the ability of a process to produce or deliver a quality product or service. This method differs from quality control in that it looks at the entire process, not just the final product. Quality control is designed to detect problems with a product or service. Quality assurance attempts to head off problems at the pass by tweaking a production process until it can produce a quality product. A process called the Plan-Do-Check-Act, or the PDCA cycle is a powerful tool that requires planning improvements to your process by looking for problems that affect the quality of your product or service. Make improvements by implementing small changes to minimize disruption to your process. Check production results to see if you’ve actually made an improvement. Act on what you discover and roll it out to the entire process. The most basic quality control technique is to inspect the results of your production or service-delivery process to make sure it conforms to customer requirements. In quality control terms, conforming means that an item meets customer specifications, and nonconforming means it doesn’t. You inspect your product or service by measuring one or more of its properties and comparing the measurements to customer specifications. Although inspection can ensure that 100 percent of the products or services delivered to your customers are good, it can be a very expensive process, especially for high-volume, low-value items. Also, inspection is impossible for items where testing can damage the product. The introduction of a quality control process into an organization can be a major shock to its system. The following components are crucial if you want to lessen the shock and gain acceptance within your organization. Advertise acceptance of the program from important stakeholders within your organization. Communicate the reasons for the change and the benefits it will bring to everyone in the organization. Train employees in the new ways of the organization. You want workers doing the right things consistently because success helps to gain support. Like most other changes, quality control is best introduced in small bits. One way to do this is to create a pilot project that allows you to make a small change to a small part of your process to see the change’s effect. If the results are good, you can implement the change on a wider basis; if the change is bad, you’ve limited the damage done. As an example I made a small research on Quest Diagnostics to make a scenario to explain how a company works on quality control. Quest Diagnostics is the nation’s leading provider of diagnostic testing, information and services. The clients include patients and consumers, physicians, hospitals, health insurers, employers and government agencies. Each year the company performs personal health testing on over 100 million patients, over 250 million diagnostic laboratory tests, and more than 6. 5 million gene-based tests. Quest Diagnostics Inc. develops tests that help people live longer, healthier lives. Some of the most notable technological advances include earlier detection of Cervical Cancer. Cervical cancer is almost 100% curable when detected early and clinical studies have shown that the Thin Prep Pap Test increases the early detection of precancerous cells. This test has been hailed as one of the most significant improvements in cervical cancer screening in over 50 years. Every year Chicago Business Unit cytology laboratory performs 1. 1 million Pap smear tests. Currently the business issue is time for Thin Prep Pap Test reports. Many of the clients have complained that the time for Thin Prep Pap Test reports is too slow. Clients also have complained that the patient care is affected due to slower time for test reports. The hypothesis of the business issue is that the time is too slow for reporting the Pap Test results. Management has planned to make improvements for time of Thin Prep Pap Test reports. In order to make improvements, the management needs to research on current workflow processes of Thin Prep Pap Test and then find the possible solution. In order to research the current workflow process of the Thin Prep Pap Test and finding possible solutions following research questions will be researched: What is the volume of Pap Tests? What barrier factors are affecting the time of the Pap test? What is the staffing situation? Is it efficient to handle the volume? What steps are involved in processing of the Pap Test? How much time is spent for each step? Which departments are involved in processing of the Pap Test? What is the current cost for the Pap test? What other new technology is available in the market for faster processing of the Pap tests? What is the cost of the new technology? Is there an approved insurance reimbursement for the new technology? Statistics serve many purposes within quality control. Statistics allow you to determine which processes or parts of processes are causing your company the most problems.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Department of Food Science Essay

According to Stable Micro Ltd. (2013), â€Å"Texture analysis is the mechanical testing of food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, adhesives and other consumer products either in compression or in tension. The TA. XTplus Texture Analyser assesses textural properties by capturing force, distance and time data at a rate of up to 500 points per second which is then displayed by fully integrated Exponent 32-bit software†. Characterization of food texture commonly falls into two main groups, based on sensory and instrumental methods of analysis. Sensory analysis includes of the senses of smell, taste, sound and touch. Evaluation of food texture by touch includes the use of fingers, as well as the lips, tongue, palate and teeth in the mouth. Strain is one of the rheological quantity associated with deformation which a measure of the relative displacement between the particles of a material. TA. XT2 texture analyser can be used to measure the strain, the change in length per unit length. The other quantity that being measured is a stress, a measure of force concentration on a material. Stress is the force per unit area that its magnitude be expressed in pascals. The variety of probes and fixtures for TA. XT2texture analyser which based on empirical principles may be classified according the type of action involved. As examples, compression, puncture and penetration, cutting and shearing, extrusion, tension, fracture and bending or snapping and adhesion. REFERENCES: Stable Micro Ltd. (2013). THE WORLD STANDARD FOR TEXTURE ANALYSIS. Stable Micro Systems. Retrieved from http://www. stablemicrosystems. com/frameset. htm? http://www. stablemicrosystems. com/taxtplus2. htm

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Nutrition and Health Worksheet

Nutrition and Health Worksheet use Ch. 1 of Contemporary Nutrition, Ch. 2 of Visualizing Nutrition, supplemental course materials, the university Library, the Internet, or other resources to answer the following questions. Your response to each question should be 75 to 100 words. 1 . What Is nutrition? Why Is nutrition essential to our dally lives? Nutrition Is the science of our Intake and utlllzatlon of food. Proper nutrltlon can help prevent or lessen the Instances of disease. Improper nutrltlon can lead to a weakened Immune system and even disease.In fact, A poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle are known to be risk factors for lite-threatening chronic diseases such as cardiovascular (heart) disease, hypertension, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. Furthermore a well-balanced diet can improve daily performance mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Reference: Contemporary Nutrition, Eighth Edition Chapter 1: What You Eat and Why Author: Gordon M. wardlaw, PH. D. , Anne M. smithPH. D? R. D. , L. D. copyright C 2011 McGraw-Hill Company 2. What is the connection between nutrition and health?Nutrients are the substances obtained from food that are vital for growth and maintenance of a healthy body throughout life. † Study after study has shown that people who eat whole foods rich in nutrients enjoy vital health, longer life and a reduced risk of many diseases. Eating nutrient-rich foods can also help people to maintain healthy body weight; being overweight or obese has been found to be linked to numerous chronic diseases. If people are careful with their nutrition they can live almost worry free until their body naturally slows down. 3. What are the six classes of nutrients? What are essential nutrients?What are the sources of nutrients? What do nutrients do? The SIX classes of nutrients are Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water. According to Wardlaw and Smith essential nutrients are food substances that provide energy, Promote Growth, Development, Maintenance, and Regulate Body Processes. All six classes are essential nutrients that are broken up Into three subgroups according to their purpose. The sources of these nutrients include meats, nuts, fish, dairy, fruits and brings its unique and important value to promote health and welfare of the body, ind, and spirit. . How do vitamins and minerals work? Vitamins and minerals are needed by the body in such small amounts that they are called micronutrients. However they play a very important role that is divinely possible due to their chemical properties. Vitamins act like catalysts when it comes to nutrient processing. The body needs to utilize their precious chemical compounds and elements to release the energy from nutrients once they are inside the body. Minerals on the other hand are simple inorganic substance that helps build certain parts of our bodies. 5. What does it mean to eat a balanced diet?Why is food choice important for good nutrition? To eat a balanced diet one should make sure to take portions from all the nutrient classes appropriately. This may change from one person to the next and so we all should have a eating plan that helps us balance our ratios of meats, vegetables, fruit and nuts. The most neglected regimen is the recommended 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day and these items are usually replaced with convenience food. Food choice is important for performance and well-being so we should be careful not to fall into social traps and pressure induced feeding frenzies. . What is undernutrition? What is overnutrition? Under-nutrition is a condition that occurs when a person consumes a diet that does not meet the requirements for the amount of essential nutrients or calories a person needs to remain healthy. This type of malnutrition can occur when people are not eating enough food, or when the food they are eating does not contain well-balanced nutrients. Over-nutrition occurs when a person consume s a diet that exceeds the requirements for the amount of essential nutrients, or the amount of calories a person needs to remain healthy.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Change of NOKIA

Organizational change management is to manage the impact of the work of the new business processes, changes in organizational structure or changes in the companys culture. In short, it is to handle the people side of the change management. (Margaret Rouse,2009) Organizational change is a structured approach of an organization to make sure that the changes seamless and successfully implemented to reach a prolonged benefits. With the business environment dramatically changed so much, the set organization must learn to be at ease with changes as well. Hence this capacity to managing and adapting to changes in the organization is significant capabilities needed in todays workplace. Examples of such changes is the mission; a) Strategic change b) Operational changes (including changes in structure) c) Technological change c) Changing attitudes and behaviors member d) Personality Changes Wide Such as changes in the above, one of the organizations that do the above changes are Nokia Corporation. When Eloc entering Nokia in 2010, he has made changes in the Nokia.strategic. In June 30, 2012 the Nokia Leadership Team was changes. 1.2 Introduction of Nokia Corporation Nokia Corporation is the largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer in the world and is the largest company in Finland. The center is located on Airport officials Espoo, Finland, and the Companies is best known through his mobile phone products. The company known for producing mobile phones to protocol and all major marketplace . In 1967, Nokia Corporation formed after the merger of three companies, namely Finland Works Co., Ltd., the forest industry by mining engineer Fredrik Idestam and Finnish Cable Works. Nokia is well known in the mobile  communications industry, enabling business travel industry through different from the normal. Name of Nokia still known by entire world however now Nokia is going through a tough time as they have to compete with many rivals suddenly appear and offer customers a smartphone that certainly interesting. Nokia also need to faced with their external and internal factors of crisis. To handle problems and crisis that happens, Nokia has done a lot of changes in management 2.1a)The changes implemented 2.1.1 Five businesses. Business in rubber, electronics, power, cable and forestry is was five of business in 1967 when the owner of each business unite with each other. Unity between the five business has formed Nokia Corporation. During the entire the 1990s, the latex, cable and consumer electronics parts progressively sold as Nokia continue discharging from all non-telecommunications businesses. In 1992, Nokias CEO has made a big difference when no longer produce products that have been done instead decided to just make the telecommunications business. when nokia focuses on investing early in telecommunications and GSM technology in 1998, it automatically lead to the company becoming company mobile phone manufacturer in the world. 2.1.2 New boss new strategy Time passes too fast and the technology is changing. when technological change, competitors such as apple, samsung appear and offer products based smartphones, Nokia realized that the mobile phone market has fallen sharply. Customers prefer to buy a smart phone than a mobile phone. in 2010 Elop joined Nokia and started a new strategic review for nokia corporation. When first joining Nokia, he realized there were some in the culture of the corporation. Elop joined Nokia in 2010 and began a strategic review. When he join Nokia there is some culture he can see in that corporate culture. Some of the culture; A domestic Finnish cultural, protected outside Managers who work only for their career No effort for future development Do not focus on the change in the product from competitors The new boss needs to make a change and difference for Nokia corporation. In 2011, he has been a partner of Microsoft. He also left Nokias Symbian operating. The partnership is his new strategy. (Tom White , 2011) 2.1.3 New strategy nokia strategy is for the manufacture of mobile phones that can be felt by everyone. Nokia has prepared a new plan that is able to execute strategic. 1. Strengthen investment in Lumia smartphone products that cause the products more attractive and available for users. 2. invest in services, by location of it for the differentiation for Nokia products and extend their platform by location for new industry 3. Further enhance competitiveness and business functions phone Nokia has changed the management team to achieve the new strategy and to strengthen the companys leadership with more firmer. Nokia have tried to increase the operating of model by redusing the Equipment service expenditure, reduse the workers number in the company in order to achieve that plan. Nokia wish to return to sustainable non-operating profit in Tool Service IFRS as early as possible. a)Targeted investment Nokia has provided a plan for the smart device to extend the range of Lumia and prices continue to be able to distinguish between windows phone , new technology , new materials and location services . of the strategy , to strengthen the image of Nokia , one of the planned purchase has been made as of 1 billion devices imaging technology . A location platform Nokia will become a key port of Nokia. Nokia has invested able to differentiate the Lumia smartphone portfolio by bringing location based services including navigator and visual equipment Browse app.  The company also has plans to expand its mapping tech for various industries for enhance platforms and build new revenue streams Nokia has tried for raise the profitability and competitiveness for mobile phone products, to achieve this purpose Nokia has aims to increase its product serial device. nokia has also invested heavily in search engine of Nokia iainya to make nokia smartphone become so easy and great in the world. . Preliminary results of this innovation can be found in the latest Nokia Asha feature phone offering a full touch screen at a lower price. (Nokia Press Release, 2012) b) Updated cost reduction target and Operational changes Offset investment priorities, the company plans to restructure the company to make extra reducers in Devices Service. Nokia is planning to proceed various designed measures include: i. -Decrease in specific R D projects, resulting in designed the closing facilities in Ulm, Germany and Burnaby, Canada Consolidation specific manufacturing operating, resulting in designed the closing its factory in Salo, Finland. study and development venture Salo Spotlight of marketing and sales activities, include key market top priority; Streamlining IT, corporate support functions Decrease associated with non-core assets, include probably disposition. As planned changes were made, Nokia is planning to remove up to 10,000 positions gradually until the end of year 2013. Nokia is start the process of involved with representing the employees consistent to the legal requirements of a particular country. With regard to designed measures the company now aims to reduce Devices Service non-IFRS operating expenses for annual term rate of approximately EUR 3.0 billion by the end of 2013. This is an update to Nokias target for reduce Devices Service non-IFRS operating expenses by more than EUR 1.0 billion for the full year 2013 compared to full year 2010 Devices Service non-IFRS operating expenditure EUR 5.35 billion. This means that in addition to the already achieved annual run rate savings of approximately EUR 700  million at the end of the first quarter of 2012, the company targets to implement approximately EUR 1.6 billion than extra cost reductions by the end of 2013. As part of designed changes, Nokia will closely assess future assets of specific non-core. Consistent with this, Nokia announced plans to sell Vertu, a luxury mobile phone business for EQT VI, a European private equity firm. (Nokia Press Release, 2012 ) c)Renewed leadership team Nokia also announced a number of changes to its senior leadership. Nokia announced that they have been appointed effective July 1, 2012: a) Juha Putkiranta as executive vice president of Operations b) Timo Toikkanen as executive vice president of Mobile Phones c) Chris Weber as executive vice president of Sales and Marketing d) Tuula Rytila as senior vice president of Marketing and Chief Marketing Officer e) Susan Sheehan as senior vice president of Communications. f) Putkiranta, Toikkanen and Weber will join the Nokia Leadership Team Steps down from Nokia leadership team effective June 30, 2012 a) Jerri DeVard steps down as chief marketing officer; b) Mary McDowell steps down as executive vice president of Mobile Phones; c) and Niklas Savander steps down as executive vice president of Markets. d) DeVard, McDowell and Savander will all continue in advisory roles through the transition of their roles; however, they step down from the Nokia Leadership Team (Nokia Press Release, 2012 ) 3.1.b) the problem faced when do the changed. 3.1.1 Five businesses financial trouble During the CEO Kari Kairamo held, Nokia has expanded into new areas. Problems faced in the 1980s was in serious financial trouble. The main reason is because of the loss occurred and the television manufacturing business in too many may cause problems in management. 3.1.2 New boss new strategy sales reduce When elop be a new boss in nokia has caused many workers laid off. Mr. Elop has cut tens of thousands of jobs since joining the company in 2010, including half of the positions in the phone business. He has also been pared, cut manufacturing program of research and development and sale of assets, including patents and company headquarters. (Sven Grundberg, 2013) When Elop announced Nokias new strategy which is to work with Microsoft and leave Nokias Symbian operating, has resulted the sales completely clearly was have be decrease. when the merger between Nokia and Microsoft told, telephone sales year of 2011 is more than the second sales. sales in the second quarter fell to 25%. 3.1.3 New strategy a)Targeted investment To implement targeted investments, Nokia has continued to expand the range of difference between the price Lumia Windows Phone platform, new materials, new technologies and location-based services. This causes problems for the workers because of their need to understand new materials, new technologies and location-based services b) Operational changes and updated cost reduction target When nokia do Operational changes and updated cost reduction target the problem come out is was : 1. Reductions within certain research and development projects, resulting in the planned closure of its facilities in Ulm, Germany and Burnaby, Canada. a. By doing the reductions have resulting in the planned closure of its facilities in Ulm, Germany and Burnaby, Canada. 2. Consolidation of certain manufacturing operations, resulting in the planned closure of its manufacturing facility in Salo, Finland. Research and Development efforts in Salo to continue. a. ïÆ'  Have resulting in the planned closure of its manufacturing facility in Salo, Finland. 3. Focusing of marketing and sales activities, including prioritizing key markets a. ïÆ'  By focusing of marketing and sales activities have make the marketing department do to more plan to improve sales. 4. Streamlining of IT, corporate and support functions. a. ïÆ'  Employee in IT need to learn more about new software. 5. . a. ïÆ'  Assets of company reduce. c)Renewed leadership team Nokia have make changes to its senior leadership. The new leadership team, the changes made by Nokia would result in a change in leadership style. This certainly makes it difficult for workers to adapt to a new style of leadership. 3.1 c) The reasons changes implemented by the management. Changes in the organization is often done because : 1. More global competition 2. Declining economy 3. Faster technological change 4. Pressure to protect the environment 5. Customer expections changes( Want high quality product,low cost ,and friendly service) Conclusion Nokia has done a lot of changes in their organization because of the reasons above. 1) Because a lot of competition appear as samsung and apple. 2) Economic decline in poor management in the organization (culture of the organization) 3) Changes in smartphone technology. 4) The pressure to protect the environment need nokia to produce the right product. 5) The requirements of customers who require products quality need nokia products that satisfy the customers.