Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Mr. Butt

Stephen Butler Leacock (1869-1944) is a Canadian author. He will long be remembered for his best-selling book Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town (1912) as well as the numerous awards and honours he received during his illustrious lifetime as author, professor, lecturer and humourist. Leacock published Literary Lapses in 1910, with the financial assistance of his brother George. It is a best-of compilation of his previously published writings. It sold out quickly and propelled Leacock into being known as one of the most popular authors in the English-speaking world. In 1911, Leacock's collection of parodies, Nonsense Novels successfully followed. 1912 saw the release of Leacock's satirical masterpiece, Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town. Based on his many summers spent in Orillia, Ontario and other childhood experiences, it was very popular in Canada, the United States and England. His sanitization of city life, Arcadian Adventures with the Idle Rich, was published in 1914. And in 1915 the book â€Å"Moonbeams From the Larger Lunacy†. And it was a success. This book includes 17 parts. There are short stories that deal with real life of the author. It also includes the story â€Å"Afternoon Adventures At My Club†. And I am going to give a detailed characterization of the main character of its 9th chapter, â€Å"The Hallucination of Mr. Butt†, Mr. Butt. Stephen Leacock is famous for his brilliant ability to portray characters that represent different types of contemporary people. The characters he describes still exist nowadays, so we should collect the pieces of wisdom which he covered with his gleaming humour. And in this chapter we met an old man who used to come to the author’s club, as many of men did. But he was not the ordinary man, so that is why the author told us about him. We learn about Mr. Butt from the author’s direct commentary at the beginning and though his own appearance, actual speech, behavior and actions during the chapter. I am going analyze his personality through his speech in detail and touch upon his appearance, behavior and actions in brief. To begin with, I’d like to comment on the name Mr. Butt. It is closely charged with connotation, as the word â€Å"butt† in defined as † to hit or push against with the head or horns† in dictionaries. But I guess that the most interesting and appropriate connotation in our case is the definition of the phrasal verb â€Å"to butt in†: â€Å"to interfere or meddle in other people's affairs†. And I think that is what all this character is about. And there is also an interesting fact about this word. As soon as the story was published and read by a number of people the word â€Å"butt† get another meaning: â€Å"a person or thing that is an object of wit, ridicule, sarcasm, contempt, etc. † as the author treated his character with concealed irony and sarcasm. I’d translate the name â€Å"Mr. Butt† as  «  »into Russian. He was all around those who never needed his help, but he â€Å"insisted†. Such a name surely reflects his character which can be named â€Å"I-care-about-you-and-only-I-know-what-is-good-for-you†. Such a connotation of this person describes us all the way this man lived. We expect him to be a person who cared about everyone else’s business as much as he could. The chapter meets our mere expectations, and his name is in accord with his personality. Through the chapter we see Mr. Butt with the author’s eye, but he gives us his direct commentary only at the beginning. From what the author tells us about Mr. Butt, we realize that â€Å"at whatever cost of time and trouble to him† he helped people and even â€Å"insisted on helping them along†. The author also underlines the beaming face of Mr. Butt with his unstoppable eagerness â€Å"to some sort of benevolence†. All this draws a picture of a very thoughtful, exceptionally kind and sunny eager beaver, who should be a God’s gift to all the people he met. But it’s common knowledge that too much pudding will choke a dog. And if we read the author’s remarks more attentively we will easily come to a conclusion that Mr. Butt possessed many positive traits, but they were too exaggerated to seem positive. We read: â€Å"Whatever people appear to desire it or not† and we no longer suppose him to be thoughtful enough to be somebody’s shoulder on time, but not just all the time. As we all are used to find bad things in a person as soon as we said he is not very perfect at all, I will not reject such a unconscious â€Å"approach† to interpreting any man’s personality. So, seeking for some intolerant and pushy stuff to collect we can easily find the examples. He seemed to be very boastful about what he did, and even about what he was going to do, I guess: â€Å"My dear fellow,† said Mr. Butt, â€Å"I only wish I could. I wish I had the time. I am sure it would cheer you up immensely if I could. But I'm just going out. † And unfortunately, to hear him speak, you’d think he is boastful about the things he shouldn’t be so boastful. â€Å"I can easily find it† he said about the way he is going to find a house of his friends, as he used to tell us. And to our great surprise we read further: â€Å"I've a very simple system for finding a house at night by merely knocking at the doors in the neighborhood till I get it. † And it almost scares us, as we all know that it is very intolerant to do so. So Mr. Butt started his pleasant full of benevolence trip. It is nonsense to us, how spineless were all those people he disturbed! He said:†I had to knock at twenty houses at least to get it† and we are laughing through the tears at him. Analyzing the night at the Everleigh-Joneses’s we find these two â€Å"poor souls† to be fluently played on by our dear Mr. Butt the Wonder. They were like birds in a cats grasp, but the disturber pays no attention to that, so he can be called really thick-skinned. And to make things still worse he went on boasting about that accident, as I tend to call it from the position of embarrassed couple:† I can talk, you know, when I try. Needless to say, Mr. Butt kept on surprising us. the Everleigh-Joneses were too permissive to say no, so Mr. Butt was imposing himself to them:† Every little while Jones would say, ‘By Jove, it's half past twelve,' or ‘it's one o'clock,' and so on. I took care, of course, not to stay too late. But when I left them I promised that I' d come back to-day to help straighten things up. They protested, but I insisted†. It all characterizes him as a very pig-headed gate-crasher. He also seemed to be a pain in the neck every time he imposed himself to his â€Å"disabled†, as he thought, couple. He was this very kind of person, that give him an inch, and he would take your arm. Too self-important with all his â€Å"I†s in every sentence he was also selfish and, what is more, self-centered. Here is what makes us think this way:† they'd been trying to put them up by themselves in the morning. I had to take down every one of them–not a single one right. † It was very self-righteous and self-willed of him to do this. It’s common with all the people in the world to say:†When in Rome, do as the Romans do†, and we all obedient the rules of others at their places. But to tell the truth, I realized that Mr. Butt liked himself to be such a â€Å"travelling Rome† more than to obedient to anyone or anything. To add some words to it, I’d say he was bossy as well, as we read his insisting words:†Drink it† or â€Å"they never told me or sent for me–just like their grit–meant to fight it out alone. † To continue these chain he seemed to see all his â€Å"friends† as children who had no idea of how the things were to be done, he used to treat them with a parenting patience and love, what were reflections of his bossy, pushy and inconsiderate character though:†no one there but themselves, no one to cheer them up†, â€Å"My dear boy†, â€Å"those two oor souls†, â€Å"poor chap†, â€Å"that dear little woman†, â€Å"that kind little woman†. Though there was much I said about him, it is not all the personality he is about. Mr. Butt embodies a complex mixture of positive and negative traits. To be f rank, he is such a sunny nature to look at. He is spreading all his positive energy all around, trying to make the world better, brighter, kinder:† let's make things a little brighter here†, â€Å"Presently about midnight they seemed to brighten up a little. † That was the real reason for all his deeds. His soul was full of good intentions. He was very sympathetic to all those he helped:†I’m going out there at once†, â€Å"I went in and soothed him†, â€Å"I haven't had an evening to myself since it began. † Wasn’t he generous in his actions? I should say he was. He was so enthusiastic about helping others; he couldn’t spend a day without altruistic deeds on his list:† You may see the beaming face of Mr. Butt appear at the door of all those of his friends who†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , â€Å"I never mind the rain,–does one good†, â€Å"said Mr. Butt one day with an anxious face†. Though he acted very inconsiderately, he did it in such a friendly and polite manner, that people couldn’t fail obeying him:†I don’t mind a bit†, â€Å"I only wish I could†, â€Å"my dear fellow†, â€Å"the way I look at it is†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , etc. To crown it all, he was very grateful to his friends, and it appeals to me very much:† I'm alone in the world and my friends are all I have. † The author treats his character with sarcasm and irony, I guess:â€Å"I knew he wanted me to say it†, â€Å"A few days later Mr. Butt gave me a further report†, â€Å"After that Mr. Butt was very busy selecting the piano†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , â€Å"Eventually, thanks no doubt to Mr. Butt's assiduous care, Everleigh-Jones got well†, etc. He was such a busy body with a lot on his plate all the time, such a born helper, wasn’t he? Of course he was, but he was too flat and static to reflect this changing world and its reality. The leopard can’t change his spots. Such people will always live in our world. Though the past reasons for their actions are loneliness, unhappiness, the lack of satisfaction and the wishes that haven’t come true, they make the world better, they have good intentions, and they inspire people and encourage them. But these personalities are always only seen as weirdoes. People don’t see their positive sides as usual, as it is easier to call them bad, than try to find their good traits. And the reality is that we do not accept their presence around us, unless in a great trouble such a weirdo guy gives us his hand and helps us with his plan of solving everything. And only then we understand. I admire Mr. Butt and his intentions, though he was not all positive. But†¦ What is positive? Everything is relative in this world.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Paradise Lost Essay

While contrasting the attitudes, and results of Jesus in the Bible, with the attitudes and results of Satan in the book Paradise Lost I discovered many comparing themes. The attitudes of Jesus that we find in the Bible are great examples for us all on how to live our lives, compared to the attitudes of Satan, whose life we may not want to follow in an example. Always when we understand Jesus’ true character, we find that Satan’s true character is the exact opposite of His. Pride is the interest of one’s own selfish needs, desires and not showing interests in everyone else’s needs and desires. The evidence of Satan’s prideful attitude in Paradise Lost is very relevant in Milton’s epic. Satan displayed â€Å"obdurate pride,† translated as stubborn pride, in Paradise Lost. Satan was stubborn in his ways, and would not relent or give in to living the life style of Jesus Christ’s. The antonym for pride is humility. Humility is the actions and thoughts of being humble and modest. Humility was a character trait that Jesus exemplified perfectly. In John 13 we find an example of humility; Jesus knelt down and washed His own disciple’s feet. Jesus did all this with a grateful heart and attitude of humility. Without happiness one cannot experience joy. When Satan was cast to hell he developed a strong hatred towards God. Paradise Lost described Satan’s attitude of â€Å"steadfast hate,† toward God and men. In contrast, Matthew 5:44 states â€Å"†¦love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.† Jesus modeled love daily in His life and also through His dying; He covered all our sins even though we were unworthy of His everlasting love. The final contrasting attitudes are rebellion, and obedience. In Paradise Lost Satan displayed the attitude of rebellion. This was seen when he said, â€Å"better to reign in hell, then serve in Heaven.† He was firmly stating that no matter what the circumstances he would no want to ever serve the Most High in His Kingdom.

Monday, July 29, 2019


Conflicts and arguments over state rights also ultimately helped the two party system reemerge by creating entrant in the views of states and their people. States rights was a major issue that contributed to the reemergence of a political parties. Jackson proposed that once the federal debt had been paid off, the government WOOL_SLD be able to distribute the extra money among the States.This angered the westerners because if the government gave the extra money to the states then it would not be able to lower the price of public land. The west proposed an alliance with the south based on this idea. Daniel Webster was able to prevent this from happening with a speech showing the position of states eight to treason. This incident helped in the division of political ideas that led to a separation of political parties.Both Jackson and Calhoun were not very different in the ideas about America except in the idea of a states right to overrule federal authority. The two of them became almost enemies and there were many times they each would attack the others personal character to try and gain what they wanted. In the end the different views of the two men influenced the views and stances of the political parties and created issues, which further divided the nation.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Tennessee Williams Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Tennessee Williams - Research Paper Example In 1939, he became the youngest playwright to receive the $1,000 Rockefeller Grant. In 1944, his play The Glass Menagerie had a very successful run in Chicago and a year later in Broadway. This first major critical success was followed by many other Broadway hits such as plays like A Streetcar Named Desire, Summer and Smoke, and A Rose Tattoo. In 1948 he received his first Pulitzer Prize for A Streetcar Named Desire. In 1955, his Cat on a Hot Tin Roof earned him his second Pulitzer Prize. In 1950 and 1951 his works The Glass Menagerie and A Streetcar Named Desire were made into motion pictures. This made him reach out to a worldwide audience. His association with movie legends, according to, Darryl E. Haley, â€Å"establishes the playwright as one of the most important figures in the twentieth-century drama†. Tennessee Williams fell in love with Frank Merlo in 1947. She was a steadying influence in Williams rather disordered life. However, in 1961, she died of lung cancer and Williams went into a deep depression that lasted for ten years. According to Mel Gussow (1983), â€Å"it, was 1955, and after Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, there was a noticeable decline in his work. To keep going, he began relying on a ritualistic combination of ingredients -strong coffee, cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol†. In 1983, on February 24, Tennessee Williams choked to death. According to reports he choked on an eye drop bottle cap at the Hotel Elysee in New York. However, the police report suggested that it was his use of drugs and alcohol that contributed to his death. He was buried in St. Louis, Missouri. On his death, Marlon Brando said, ‘‘I always felt like Tennessee and I were compatriots. He told the truth as best he perceived it and never turned away from things that beset or frightened him. We are all diminished by his death. Williams in his lifetime wrote twenty-five full-length plays, dozens of short plays and screenplays, sixty short stories, more than hundred poems, two novels, a novella and an autobiography.

Thinkertoys Week 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Thinkertoys Week 4 - Essay Example By dint of a comprehensive and thoughtful planning, the company jumped from seventh position to second position in the market. Michalko has defined steps to be applied by a company in order to turn out successful even at the most unfavorable situation. The same is being adopted by the researcher in the present research, which is as following: Since I tend to start my own consultancy, after completing my graduation in business administration, in order to provide the young people with counseling regarding career selection, I plan the following possible scenario for starting my career: I will start my consultancy at the heart of the city, where commercial activities are at boom; so that I could capture the attention of the visiting clients too along with the clientele out of my personal relationship. In case I find difficulty in finding out possible clientele, I will shift my office from commercial zone to the area adjacent to the colleges and universities, so that fresh graduates and students could discover a career counseling consultancy in their area. I will also examine the market scenario and will assess whether I am working under perfect competition or monopolistic competition. I will revise my business strategy time and again on the foundation of business environment. Since business administration degree provides its graduates with the opportunity of working in numerous fields, I may start working in the fields of real estate, advertising, marketing and others. Since I strongly believe in hard work and honesty, I will never escape from my duties and obligations towards others. I will work diligently for the promotion of my business as well as obtaining dexterity in my skills and abilities. I will not confined my thinking to myself alone; rather, I will consult the specialists, professionals and experts regarding my thoughts and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Research Notetaking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research Notetaking - Assignment Example to more readily irrigate land in Mexican territory- in 1904 the company excavated a more direct opening at a site a few miles south of the California/Mexico border† (Wiltshire, Gilbert and Rogers 2) Jackson relates that the roots of the Hoover Dam project stretch deep into a long-term goal by the private sector to secure the irrigation of the Imperial Valley in the southern section of California. These efforts can be traced back to the 1900’s, when such irrigation aims became central to the existence of the Colorado Development Company. The successful early efforts resulted in a large tract of the Imperial Valley being nicely irrigated. There were problems however with canal siltation, even when the valley was being successfully irrigated, so that the firm had to redouble its efforts building another canal on top of the original canal that tapped the Colorado River and connected the valley to it (Wiltshire, Gilbert and Rogers 2). â€Å"Constructed in the 1930s, the concrete arch-gravity structure was intended to prevent flooding as well as provide much-needed irrigation and hydroelectric power to arid regions of states like California and Arizona. It was originally known as Boulder Dam, but was renamed in 1947 in honor of Herbert Hoover, who as U.S. secretary of commerce and the 31st U.S. president proved instrumental in getting the dam built. At 726 feet high and 1,244 feet long, Hoover Dam was one of the largest man-made structures in the world at the time of its construction, and one of the worlds largest producers of hydroelectric power† (A&E Television Networks). The History Channel notes that the Hoover Dam was originally named Boulder Dam, but that in 1947 the dam was renamed to honor the late President Edgar Hoover. Hoover was also US Commerce Secretary, and it was Hoover who was credited with having done a substantial part of the work to erect the iconic structure to the benefit of the people of states like Arizona and California. For those states,

Friday, July 26, 2019

I need write a letter to my parents in brazil, and explain to them Essay

I need write a letter to my parents in brazil, and explain to them what homeland security is and what my future will be in my ne - Essay Example The United States Department of Homeland Security came into existence in 2002 as a consequence of the Homeland Security Act. The Federal Homeland Security is responsible for coordinating the activities of roughly 187 Federal agencies dealing with varied aspects of the US security. The job of the Homeland Security is to prevent terrorist attacks on the US soil and to minimize the damage inflicted by such attacks. A career in such an agency requires a lot of sincerity, dedication, skills and hard work. It is different from the other jobs in the sense that it demands perpetual alertness and a 24 hour commitment from its adherents. However, those who are willing to give their best and utmost, it do promises ample satisfaction and rewards. Besides, the very concept and idea of working to protect the fellow citizens is in itself a source of great pride and motivation. I do believe that I will do really great in this career. Yours lovingly, Name of the Student.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Re-introducing Wendy's into Singapore Dissertation

Re-introducing Wendy's into Singapore - Dissertation Example These factors have also enhanced the profitability of the food and beverages industry of this country. The popularity of Western fast food among the population is also increasing and hence, many global fast food companies like McDonald and Burger Kings has entered in this market. Wendy’s entered in Singapore market during 1980s but due to unfavourable forces, it had to withdraw from Singapore in 1997. However, Wendy’s has again entered in Singapore market with the collaboration of Kopitiam Group who has bought Wendy’s franchises. This paper attempts to evaluate the success of Wendy’s in Singapore market after its re-entry and to offer relevant recommendations for reintroducing its brand in Singapore. Wendy’s is the third largest fast food chain in the global food and beverages industry and it is very famous for its old fashioned hamburgers. In other global markets, Wendy’s has been successful but when it entered in Singapore market during 198 0s, it was unable to survive. Now, in order to make successful re-entry, the company needs to reposition its brand image among the target consumer groups by implementing proper branding strategies and conducting brand awareness in the market. In this respect, this paper presents a detailed literature review focusing on multiple models and theories of branding strategies. There are four major sections in literature review which includes brand reintroduction and repositioning, brand awareness and its importance, building brand image and different models for framing branding strategies. In order to draft branding strategies, two dimension strategy and Ansoff model is very useful to determine the market situation and multiple strategic directions. Promotional strategy is very important aspect in branding strategy and hence, implementation of integrated marketing communication is the most suitable in this respect. In order to meet the objectives of this research paper, it is necessary to generate key information and hence, an extensive research has been conducted. For measuring the feasibility of Wendy’s re-entry in Singapore market, primary as well and secondary data has been analysed. Secondary data analyses have disclosed that due to growing economic condition and increasing popularity of western fast foods, F&B industry of Singapore is growing at decent rate. The profitability of fast food outlets is the higher that other F&B sectors like restaurants and other food caterers. The primary data analyses have disclosed that new consumers want to taste Wendy’s food as most of them have aware of this brand. Primarily, they look for high quality product with fast and efficient services. The consumer loyalty rate is high in Singapore consumers and most of them prefer the brand like McDonald, MOS Burger, Burger Kings etc. Therefore, there is a great opportunity for Wendy’s success, if it can develop its own base of loyal consumers by providing high quality prod

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Applied theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Applied theory - Essay Example Besides Beyonce and her husband Jay Z, the article talks about other popular bands such as U2 and its lead singer Bono and Coldplay, the major artists expected to perform at the summer music festival in Glastonbury (Topping, 2011: 15). From this article, the emergence of the popular culture in form of music can be evaluated by considering theories of industrialization and of cultural studies. Popular culture is a broad term that incorporates common aesthetic or life practices in qualitative and statistical dimensions (Arnold, 1964:31). However, modern day theorists regard popular culture as a common tradition that has arisen in the modern times and it differs from folk tradition because it is mass-produced and different from high life because it is consumed in mass (Arnold, 1964:32). From this article on Beyonce, it is apparent that popular culture has undergone a lot of transformation from the last century. The current popular culture is characterized by extensive use of the mass me dia to publicize the events and elaborate organization by the artist and event organizers. Gans (1974:61-62) defines popular culture as an epitome of the society, reflecting the transformations occurring in the society. According to Giddens (1979:29), European and American societies underwent profound transformation in the 18th and 19th centuries. These changes resulted to massive social reorganization especially in the western European spheres where many people moved to work in urban areas in the emerging industries. Transformation from the rural peasantry to mass production in industries not only influenced the economic aspect of the workers, but their culture took a different turn (Giddens, 1979:49). Arnold (1964:85) noted that industrialization also brought with it capitalism in addition to increased interactions and mixing of diverse cultures. A combination of these factors in addition to the strenuous activities in the industries resulted to creation of a homogeneous society, with shared experiences across the regions. In addition, the increasing social density in the community and division of labor due to capitalism accelerated creation of distinct social classes, especially at the middle class level. Archer (1995:116-125) argues that a combination of capitalism ideology and its austere administrative structure resulted to increasing literacy levels especially to the middle class creating a formidable social, economic and cultural hegemony that changed the popular culture immensely. In this regard, capitalism resulted to sudden change in power that eventually caused social differentiation in the society. Archer (1995: 19) argues that the raise of the popular culture does not only involve a large group of individuals, but people who have high level of organization pertaining to their tastes and preferences. This class plays a very critical role in the cultural industry that has developed to meet the artistic aspirations of the middle class. Another influ ential factor in the middle class towards the popular culture is the high literate levels. According to Archer (1995: 49), the increasing levels of literacy in the middle class resulted to more economic empowerment that lead to accelerated social differentiation that enabled the people to realize new possibilities and discover new and limitless dimensions of their lives for exploration. Therefore, the middle class did not wish to be just machines working in the emerging industries for survival, but as beings with another dimension for fun and recreation. The high culture was not initially intended for entertainment, but it provided the middle class with opportunities for expressing their frustrations, achievements, joys and aspirations in their working places. Burke, (1978 b: 113) noted that the emergence of the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Social inequality (contrast between UK and Brazil) Essay

Social inequality (contrast between UK and Brazil) - Essay Example Differences in living standards is evident in that there are people who live in luxurious houses while others live in slums, differences in life expectancy can be associated with proper health accessed by the rich and not by the poor, conflict in the society is associated with what Karl Marx referred to as polarisation between classes resulting to a revolution and finally progress will occur in the society in that the rich will inspire the poor to become rich. The conflict perspective of inequality by Karl Marx perceives inequality as one that does not play a useful role in society, Karl argues that all societies have two groups of people the owners of resources to production and the workers, the rich exploit the workers to make more profits through more working hours and low wages, the rich want to maintain the status quo while the workers want to change the existing situation and therefore there is always conflict in the society.2 The functionalist perspective by Davis and Moore perceive society stratification and inequality as one that plays a role in the proper working of society, according to this theory all social systems share certain functional prerequisite which must be met for the society to operate efficiently. One of these prerequisites is effective role allocation and performance and this means that all roles must be filled by those who are best able to perform them and that roles must be performed well by trained individuals. The mechanism that ensures proper role allocation is social stratification, roles are different in terms of importance and therefore there is the need to attach unequal rewards to the role.3 Living standards in the UK are higher than those of Brazil, this is attributed by the fact that the UK is more developed and industrialised; therefore the inequalities in the UK are better off compared to cases of inequalities in Brazil. Higher incomes in the UK are one

A Christmas Carol Essay Example for Free

A Christmas Carol Essay The Ghost of Christmas Past is the epitome of the contradictions of youth and age as well as winter and spring. The ghost has a beam of light jetting from his head and Scrooge extinguishes the light when he feels that he is unable to bear any of the other memories that the ghost is showing him. By showing Scrooge his past, the ghost has makes him realize that he has changed drastically from who he was when he was young and that his interests have turned from people to money. The Ghost of Christmas Present is a friendly, generous giant who shows Scrooge the homes of Bob Cratchit as well as Scrooges nephew, Fred. In both homes, good will is extended toward Scrooge although he has never shown the same good will to either his clerk, or his nephew. As the time passes the ghost, who was young when he first appeared to Scrooge, seems to age in the way that the present changes to the past with the passing of time. Then, just as he is approaching his last moments, the ghost shows Scrooge that want and ignorance are two products of society that will destroy it if not combated against by those who can prevent both social ills. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come is a dark phantom, and the only part of this ghost that Scrooge sees, beyond his black robe, is a hand with which he points at the things Scrooge is to take notice of. This ghost shows Scrooge how he will die, and it is a sad scene. Scrooge begs the ghost to tell him that this fate can be changed if he changes his ways, but the ghost doesnt answer him. Scrooge is left only with the knowledge that he must change and become a more charitable person if he is to alter the fate that the ghost revealed to him. Last of the major characters is Tiny Tim who is Bob Cratchits youngest son. He is a lame boy with a cheerful nature despite his ailments and symbolises hope. At the Christmas church service, Tim hopes that people will look at his ailment and be reminded of how Christ healed the lame and blind. Tiny Tims guileless nature impresses Scrooge, and when he learns from the Ghost of Christmas Present that Tiny Tim will die soon, Scrooge is saddened. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come also shows the Cratchit house without Tiny Tim, and the vision is a sad one. Scrooge is touched by the gentleness of the little boy and wishes to prevent this fate from occurring. There are also some minor characters in A Christmas Carol but who also play an important part of the story. Firstly there is Fred, Scrooges nephew (his deceased sisters son), is a pauper, but a cheerful man nonetheless. He comes to the counting house to wish Scrooge a merry Christmas and invite his uncle to dine with himself and his wife on Christmas Day. Scrooge, however, refuses to associate with his nephew. Fred actually pities his miserly uncle because although he has all that money, he is still alone and unhappy. Fred insists that he will visit Scrooge at Christmas every year no matter whether or not Scrooge ever agrees to dine with Fred and his wife. After his visitation by the three ghosts of Christmas, Scrooge attends the Christmas dinner at Freds home and enjoys himself immensely. Secondly there is Mr. Fezziwig who was Scrooges kind and generous employer. He revisits the memory of his employment with Fezziwig when the Ghost of Christmas Past shows him Fezziwigs great Christmas party. The memory of this kind employer makes Scrooge feel a twinge of regret at how poorly he treats Bob Cratchit, his own employee. Last of the minor but nonetheless important characters is Belle, the young woman who once loved and was loved by Scrooge. Unfortunately, his love for her was replaced by his love for money, and she did not want to be second in favour to gold. She left him and went her own way after that and married. Scrooge remained alone. The Ghost of Christmas Past reminds him of why Belle left him and shows him where his life began going the wrong direction While reciting A Christmas Carol I noticed some themes that were entwined within the story, the most important themes of the story are stated more or less clearly by characters in it. The first of these might be Marleys saying, Business Mankind was my business. Where Scrooge sees business in the familiar sense of trade and finance, Marley now sees that ones business is what one should do in life, duty or obligation. Mankind is or was not just Marleys business of course, but Scrooges business, your business and mine, in fact, everyones. Secondly, Scrooges unkind remark that poor people should die and reduce the surplus population brings us to another theme of the story. When Scrooge asks if Tiny Tim will die he is reminded of these words. Why? Because the surplus population is not an abstraction but real individuals. Scrooge is told by the Ghost of Christmas Present to find out What the surplus is, and where it is before making such statements. Another theme is that change is possible however set we are in our ways. Dickens imagines the most miserable and hard-hearted man he can, and shows how he can be reformed if he sees his responsibilities. The message that Dickens is trying to get across is one of happiness. If you live your life in seclusion, only speaking to those who you must and always being nasty, you can never be truly happy. Dickens uses Scrooge as the epitome of selfishness and we are supposed to realise this and contrast it with Tiny Tims attitude of caring and sharing. Tiny Tim is the epitome of joy and hope; he is the person in the book with who we are supposed to learn from. The ghosts are the conduit from which we are to understand the past, present, and future of an unhappy man.

Monday, July 22, 2019

I Have a Dream Speech Analysis Essay Example for Free

I Have a Dream Speech Analysis Essay King had suffered the racial injustice of America at that time and was tired of the segregation. â€Å"We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their self-hood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating: ‘For Whites Only. ’† At this point in time, society was segregated to an extreme. Blacks and whites did not mix, the black people were forced to sit at the back of the bus while the white people had the privilege of the front. The two races could not drink from the same water fountains and attended segregated schools. There had been attempts to make a change in the past such as Rosa Parks, however no one was able to leave the same lasting impression that King did and make such a change in society as we now know it. â€Å"One day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. † King had a dream, a dream of racial equality. King was not fighting for only his own rights, he was also fighting for the future of his children, so that they would not endure the cruel police brutality of the times. In the speech King states â€Å"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. † This does not only show his dream for the future generations but also gives the speech personal identity by including his own children. Throughout the speech King uses a various amount of linguistic devices that help to give his speech the extra edge needed to keep his words in the minds of listeners for years to come. One of the main styles of public speaking King uses is repetition. Throughout the speech he constant repeats certain words and catch phrases such as â€Å"I have a dream† or â€Å"Let freedom ring. † These help to drill his words into the audience and create a lasting impression. This is a technique that is generally used in speeches, especially those dealing with politics. Obama, another man making a big change in society also uses this technique with his catch phrase â€Å"Yes we can,† the use of repetition allows the speaker to get their words through to every listener whether they realize it or not. King also includes aspects of the American Culture in his speech. This not only draws the attention of the white Americans but also shows a connection between the blacks and the whites, they are all Americans and they all live on the same land. King says lines like â€Å"when architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence,† this line praises the American beliefs. King gives a strong point of connection between the blacks and whites and their belief in the Declaration of Independence. He does not put down the American government despite the segregation and hardships but instead compliments them in his speech. The use of American Culture can also tie into King’s pacifism. King was against war and violence and in his speech he states â€Å"we must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence,† this connects to why he never puts down the government. King shows that with kindness you get further than with violence as the changes that he made in the world are much more than a war would have done. Another strong point of King’s speaking is his inclusivity of the audience. He rarely states his goals in the form of ‘I’ but instead using ‘we. ’ This technique draws the audience in and includes them in the mission King is presenting to them. â€Å"with this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up to freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. † Note how King never refers to any of the actions in singular form. He says we will work together, stand up to freedom together. King always includes the audience to keep their attention and make them feel a part of the speech and like he is speaking directly to them and asking them to join him so that together they can make a change. King also used many links to religion. By linking his speech to biblical references he was able to connect on a deeper level with the religious members of his audience. During this point in time many people were spiritual, including the black population who were very religious as it helped them through the hard times of segregation and the assault they were experiencing. King used quotes such as â€Å"the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together† referring to the thought that the Lord’s power will overrule cruelty and both blacks and whites will witness it together creating a world free from segregation. Another strong technique that King uses is alliteration. symbolic shadow we stand today, signed † the repetition of the sound ‘s’ creates a dramatic sentence emphasizing the words using this sound. It draws the audiences ear to these sentences and because of the similar sounds allows the phrase to be remembered easier. This allows King to have powerful sentences within the speech which continue capturing the audience’s attention and allow for a more memorable speech. King often uses this technique as many parts of the speech include alliteration. Overall, King left a lasting impression on those who have listened to the speech. He does this by using the many different literary techniques to capture his audience at all times and leave them thinking about the points he put forward. King included various techniques to make his message strong and clear and leave a lasting impression.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Shell’s strategic position in the light of its external and internal environment

Shell’s strategic position in the light of its external and internal environment Shell Strategic Analysis The paper analyses Shells strategic position in the light of its external and internal environment and the key forces and pressures acting on it. The paper takes an overview and then uses PESTLE, SWOT and Value chain analysis to provide a strategic insight of the firm. PESTLE; SWOT; Value Chain Analysis Shell Strategic Analysis Introduction and Company Overview Shell Group provides energy and petrochemical services across the world. With its headquarters in Hague, the Netherlands, and largest subsidiary in the United States, its mission is to position its self as a global leader in the oil and gas sector with a superior competitive advantage in terms of meeting energy demand responsibly. Shell Group belongs to Royal Dutch Shell Plc, based in Wales and England (Shell, 2010 [online]). Its upstream strategy focuses on the exploration of new natural reserves of oil and gas and investing in projects to gauge technological and know-how value-added advantages. As for the downstream strategy, the company selects growth markets to invest in and uses existing assets to acquire consistently high cash returns (Shell, 2010 [online]). Performance focus, growth delivery and new project plans form its strategic framework with strong priority given to competitive performance, profitable growth and sharper delivery. The group operates in more than 90 countri es with over 100,000 employees and 44,000 service stations. Shell has the share of 2% in the global oil market and 3% in the gas sector. In 2009, its earnings were $12.7 billion which fell sharply from 2008s $27 billion figure (Shell, 2010 [online]). The paper will explore how the external and internal environments of the company are affecting its strategy and operations and overall success. Comprehensive PESTEL Analysis Political Forces As declared by EU and UN, carbon emissions are to be charged with penalties and taxes, oil and gas companies have been forced to settle government pressures through partnership agreements and alliances to support their operations by offering an incentive to the government in the form of the betterment of the economy. Oil has been found to gauge economic development of a country (BBC, 2010 [online]). Due to its intense demand, especially in the U.S, government tends to come under the pressure of the leading giants and ease strictness on them, though; they still raise questions regarding the environmental impacts but with the demand pressures from the customers, governments allow Shell and companies alike to find new reserves to meet the demands (The Guardian, 2010 [online]). However, these new means include bio-fuels which do not harm the environment. But Shell has strong reliance on oil and gas reserves and has no intention to venture into bio-fuels in future despite of all social an d political pressures. Shell has been engaged with the Climate Action Partnership with the US, as an attempt to gauge a positive image of the company in terms of a socially responsible business, while it actually uses highly carbon intensive production methods (Foe Europe, 2010 [online]).The partnership is focused towards reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, but while the government is going in that direction, Shell, using its strategic alliances with the government has lessened the regulatory control over its high carbon emitting fuel products. Shell has been forced to take on such diplomatic measures to ease political and regulatory pressures onto the company, when it faces a decline in the conventional natural oil reserves and has to find new alternative forms of oil reserves to meet the demand, which are more carbon intensive but allow it to stay profitable (Foe Europe, 2010 [online]). In underdeveloped nations such as Nigeria, which craving for basic necessities, welcomes companies like Shell to bring in foreign direct investment and more job opportunities. Thus, despite of social pressures to reduce exploitation of workforce and gas flares that is destroying lives, the government gives ease to the multinationals in order to support the growth of the economy (Foe Europe, 2010 [online]). Free trade agreements among the European and Americas allow Shell to more profitability engage in exports of oil. Russia is a hub of oil reserves and Shell took on the opportunity to exploit the reserves in Russia to meet the challenge of its growing demand, and its increasing lack of conventional oil reserves around the world. Russian government, previously had a high export duty on oil imports, has recently reduced it by 2.6%, which is benefiting Shell and other oil companies with their plants in Russia to export the oil products to their home countries and respective countries where they sell the fuels (Shell, 2010 [online]). Environmental Forces Conventional oil reserves are fast declining but Shell since 1995 has been engaged in finding new forms of oil reserves as oil sands in Canada to oil shale, but with the expense of environmental degradation (The Guardian, 2010 [online]). Research has shown that carbon emissions are much higher from the unconventional oil reserves being used in the manufacturing of fuel, and Shell having invested a large amount of capital in projects to extract oil from unconventional reserves has become the worlds most carbon intensive company (Foe Europe, 2010 [online]). Social Forces Oil and gas companies harm not only the environment but to the workforces as well as there are various security and health issues to consider. 20 people were reported to have died due to severe working conditions in 2009 (Shell, 2010 [online]). In Nigeria, Shells operations have been causing gas flares consistently which has caught social attention but the company is reluctant to take action due to its cost reduction strategy (Foe Europe, 2010 [online]). Globally, consumers are engaged in responsible consumption and the companies have been obliged to encourage responsible consumption (Dess, 2009). Shell took on the initiative in 2007 to advertise itself as a manufacturing facility that does not harm the environment but uses its waste (carbon dioxide) to cultivate flower growth (Foe Europe, 2010 [online]). This encouraged consumers to develop a positive image of Shell but later on, news reports on the matter suggested a different story. Only one of the plants in Netherlands was engaged in the flower growth while the rest were heavily involved in carbon emissions (The Guardian, 2010 [online]). This hampered Shells image further as not only was its accused of destroying the environment but also of misleading the consumers. Technological Forces The oil and gas industry has been benefited greatly owing to technological advancements in drilling and extraction of oil and gas. Heavy capital investments are required to acquire the advance technological equipment to extract oil and gas from unconventional reserves. Shells biggest strength is its investment in smart technologies that allow it to make the most out of the oil and gas reserves (Shell, 2010 [online]). Economic Forces Oil prices have increased the world over, which has resulted from heavy taxations from the government due to which costs of production have risen (Shell, 2010 [online]). Using extensive, costly technology which requires heavy investments, further forces the companies to charge high prices for fuels (The Guardian, 2010 [online]). There is a growing demand for energy, which is expected to rise up by 57% in the next 20 years (Shell, 2010 [online]). This becomes a challenge when there are fewer natural reserves of oil and gas left to meet this demand. Shell has used its scenario planning efforts to invest in new projects to extract oil and gas from unconventional reserves to be able to meet the growing demand in future, but this also translates to higher prices for customers (Shell, 2010 [online]). Legal Forces Environmental safety and carbon emission regulations have increased for all oil and gas companies, including Shell (BBC, 2010 [online]). With the growing concerns all over the world over the drastic changes occurring in the environment due to global warming, the government raises strong questions against major companies responsible for global warming, the oil and gas companies. Shell and BP are quite on the main screen when such allegations are put forward. Oil and gas companies are enforced with strict employment safety and health regulations as the manufacturing plants are dangerous for human health. This has a heavy cost potential for companies (Hill, 2009). Comprehensive Porters 5 Forces Analysis Level of Competition There is a high level of competition in the industry but among few players. Shells major competitor is British Petroleum. British Petroleums strategy has also been focused on acquisitions, partnerships and alliances to build up a larger framework to meet growing demand. Currently BP has acquired contractual agreement with the government of Azerbaijan and Gulf of Mexico, while Shell gauged its success in 2009 in Iraq, Canada, and Australia and also in the Gulf of Mexico (BP, 2010 [online]). The competition among these two companies is intense due to their similar strategy to obtain cost reduction, performance focus and growth. While, BP has invested in solar energy, giving in to the political, social and environmental pressures, Shell is still glued to the oil and gas reserves to stay ahead in the game (Oil and Gas, 2010 [online]). While BP has lowered its stakes by investing in solar energy, Shell is playing a much risky game by perusing new oil reserves through heavy capital investments (BP, 2010 [online]). Threat of Substitutes With the advent of alternative energy sources, the threat of substitute products has risen, such as from bio fuels. Many companies are now investing in bio fuel technologies to respond to social, environmental and political pressures (The Guardian, 2010 [online]). Threat of New Entrants Threat of new entrants is low, as it requires a heavy capital investment to set up plants and use advance technology for extraction domestically and internationally to meet the demands. There are heavy fixed costs involved in the industry which can only be curbed once economies of scale are received (Oil and Gas, 2010 [online]). Bargaining Power of Suppliers Bargaining power of suppliers is low. There are few suppliers in the industry. The industry is focused on low cost production and, thus, alternative energy sources are searched and invested in heavily, the suppliers of which are low, but under the influence of the manufacturers (Oil and Gas, 2010 [online]). Bargaining Power of Customers Bargaining power of customers is low as there are not many fuel companies available in the industry which offers conventional, alternative and bio mass fuels. Detailed SWOT Analysis Strengths Shell has obtained competitive edge in terms of technology. In 2009, it spent over $1.2 billion in research and development activities (Shell, 2010 [online]). Shell has obtained first mover advantages by using unconventional oil reserves which has given its cost benefits (Shell, 2010 [online]). The company has taken a much focused strategy for performance, which has allowed it to reduce costs by $1 billion by 2010 (Shell, 2010 [online]). Shell signed a joint venture with Cosan (S.A) Company to produce and sell ethanol and extract power from sugar cane in Brazil. The company sensed its cost benefits and its prospect to enhance its presence in the ethanol market (Shell, 2010 [online]). Shell has invested $ 1 billion in solar and wind energy which is part of Shell Renewables SBU (Shell, 2010 [online]). Shell has 20% brand preference which is the highest among its competitors (Shell, 2010 [online]). Weaknesses Shell currently has a severe lack of association with bio fuels, which are growing in demand There is also lack of substantial countering of the social pressures and the media exposures on part of Shell (Foe Europe, 2010 [online]). Opportunities Bio-fuel and low-carbon emission fuels sector is growing and is highly encouraged by the government, society and is healthy for the environment (The Guardian, 2010 [online]). Promoting a better health and safe environment in the plants is a good opportunity for Shell using commercials or public relations campaign. Threats Government and interest groups are taken strong actions against heavy carbon emitting fuel companies, like BP and Shell Heavy investments in unconventional gas reserves are full of stakes as these reserves allow for a large amount of carbon emission. This is potentially dangerous for the companys image and acceptance (Oil and Gas, 2010 [online]). Value Chain Analysis Primary Value Chain Activities Inbound Logistics Shell is currently in contract with Cosan, a Brazilian company to supply ethanol. Azherbaijan and Russian suppliers are also used to supply oil and gas reserves (Shell, 2010 [online]). Operations The performance strategy involved restructuring and reorganizing the operations of the company to upstream and downstream where priorities were towards performance focus, competitive growth and new project investments. The overall operational performance has also met with improvement as efficiency rates have rose. The reorganization will allow faster implementation of future growth strategies as well (Shell, 2010 [online]). Outbound Logistics Shell has an extensive global outbound logistics network which allows it to distribute the refined oil in the most cost efficient manner. It uses light transportation (Shell, 2010 [online]). Marketing and Sales Shell markets itself as the largest fuel provider, where its service centers are located in 90 countries worldwide. It adds the image of an innovation and quality-focused company which does not compromise on performance. Although, Shell has previously received an excellent amount of sales revenue, recently, there has been a decline, due to rise in oil prices, rising social exposure of the workforce exploitation and environmental degradation by the company (Shell, 2010 [online]). Service Shell uses its helpline service to address customer complaints and queries. Other than that, there is no extensive or special form of service that Shell offers to customers with regard to complaints and queries. Shell service stations have the direct interaction with the customers and the company makes sure that the employees address to customers appropriately and offer services in the standard way (Shell, 2010 [online]). Support Value Chain Activities Procurements Shell is now engaged in e-procurement, using the help of SAPs support systems to enhance its supply chain activities. SAPs support offers an ERP system that allows procurement to be done online (SAP, 2010 [online]). Technology Development Over $1.2 billion have recently been spent by Shell in research and development of new technologies to gauge the most benefit out of the reserves of oil and gas and find new opportunities for investments (Shell, 2010 [online]). Technological innovation development in extracting energy is a key strength of the company and it is continually engaged in investing in new technologies that would give it an edge over its competitors. Human Resource Management Human resource activities are the most challenging for Shell as it has to face several employment issues starting from health, and work environment to safety issues. These are true for factory workers who work in high danger zones (Shell, 2010 [online]). In Nigeria, a high rate of people dying in the factory has become common. As shell is a global competitive company, it seeks highly talented and experienced people who seek innovation and growth for the company for its management. Shell offers learning and development opportunities for its diverse workforce. It offers monetary and non-monetary forms of incentives to employees (Shell, 2010 [online]). The human resource management uses online application system for interested candidates and uses simulation based testing tools for hiring appropriate employees for middle management and senior management posts. Firm Infrastructure Shells infrastructure is heavily reliant on technological support, by means of ERP, data management, research and development, marketing, procurement, human resource management, extraction and production operations (SAP, 2010 [online]). This allows a strong network of coordination and communication to be maintained globally. Conclusion Shell Group with industry leadership in terms of cost, quality and technology, is faced with immense social, political, economic and legal challenges. Its strategy to focus on performance, new ventures to exploit unconventional oil and gas reserves and achieve profitable growth in return has met success, but the pace has slowed due to economic influences. for big oil giant like Shell, keeping diplomatic alliance with the governments of many countries has become common but this not something to rely on and to put heavy capital investments at stake like Shell is doing right now, by continuously investing in new plants for oil and gas extraction from unconventional reserves such oil sands and oil shale. Such attempts are increasingly causing environmental degradation and the government may go strictly against them in future once more drastic environmental changes become dominant. Clever strategy is to continue ethanol and solar and wind energy production and invest in more bio fuel ener gies to tap new opportunities.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management Essay -- Tourism Hospita

The need for high-quality leaders in the hospitality industry has been readily recognised and is seen as critical to the long-term well-being of the industry. In recent years, the industry has undergone something of a sea change in its gender composition, with increasing numbers of females graduating from hospitality and tourism management courses. This suggests that the gender composition of managerial ranks is likely to change in the medium term, with concurrent changes in the typical leadership style valued in the industry. This article seeks to explore and quantify the differences in gender-based perceptions of leadership styles and outcomes in the hospitality industry. Using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ; Bass & Avelio, 1995), a well-established self-administered instrument, the researchers used a "snowballing" technique to recruit a self-selected sample of 264 hospitality employees. These employees work in a variety of sectors in the hospitality industry, includ ing large international-style hotels, small franchised motels, food and beverage operations and contract catering, and at levels ranging from junior staff to senior property and site managers. The data indicated that despite their similarities, there were a number of subtle but significant differences between males and females in terms of the behaviours used and the extent to which various behaviours contributed to successful leadership outcomes, One potentially confounding result was the high emphasis placed upon the "contingent reward leadership style" by females and may be explained by the female's desire for clear, open and transparent communication. More generally, the differences between males and females were manifested in the form of the males placing greater emphasis on "confronting" and "sporting" leadership styles while the females placed greater emphasis on leadership styles which are built upon clear and concise communication and a greater focus on personal consideratio n for the team members. However, these subtle differences warrant further investigation--possibly using a more holistic approach-such as a 360 degree assessment or semi-structured interviews. ********** This study sought to explore and quantify the differences in gender-based perceptions of leadership styles and outcomes in the hospitality industry. Leadership studies in the hospitality industry ... ...use, R.J., & Shamir, B. (1993). Toward the integration of transformational, charismatic and visionary theories. Leadership theory and research perspectives and directions (pp. 81-107). New York: Academic Press. Howell, J.M., & Avolio, B. (1993). Transformational leadership, transactional leadership, locus of control and support for innovation. Key predictors of consolidated business unit performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 891-902. Manning, T.T. (2002). Gender, managerial level, transactional leadership and work satisfaction. Women in Management Review, 17(5), 207-216. Tejada, M.J., Scandura, T.A., & Pillai, R. (2001). The MLQ revisited. Psychometric properties and recommendations. The Leadership Quarterly, 12, 31-52. Tracey, J., & Hinkin, T.R. (1994). Transformational leaders in the hospitality industry. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 35(2), 18-24. Correspondence Paul Whitelaw, Senior Lecturer, School of Hospitality, Tourism and Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law, Victoria University, PO Box 14428, Melbourne, Vic 8001, Australia. Email: Paul Whitelaw and Romana Morda Victoria University, Australia

Essay --

There is no question that obesity is a national epidemic. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate nearly 36% of U.S. adults more than 20 years of age were considered obese in 2009 through 2010, with 18.4% of adolescents following closely behind (Krieter). However, while obesity is a growing problem, labeling it as a disease is a formidable approach to what is considered a lifestyle choice for many American citizens. Scientists have made great advances in understanding significant environmental causes of obesity as well as identifying several genetic factors that may be implicated. Many efforts are now directed toward evaluating the interactions between these factors and understanding how this relationship interplays into major roles of the problem. Obesity is an end result of human response to biology and the environment. Recent hypotheses made by scientists suggest that the current obesity problem is largely due to environmental factors, such as fast food consumption, television watching, and large portion sizes (Brantley). Americans live in the era of eating unhealthy fast food, and the notorious ‘supersizing.’ Television, radio, and print advertising bombard the population with enticements to eat food high in calories and fat (Gunderman). Furthermore, the physical and mental demands of today’s societies are relentlessly changing, resulting in unbalanced energy intake and consumption. A study, published in the journal, Pediatrics, emphasize on specific environmental aspects on children and teen lives that contribute to their unhealthy, fat-filled lifestyles (Haelle). Researchers found that the link between increased television time and obesity rates among adolescents has grown stronger in the p... ...rtant contributors to obesity. Gain in body weight can be achieved through accumulative positive energy balances; these could form through adjustments in energy expenditure or fuel utilization and the types of the food that the consumer eats. The interaction between the two factors leads to a positive energy balance, eventually turning into body fat and weight gain. However, while previous investigations have found a clear association between high fat intake and risk of obesity the relationship does not establish a biological certitude. Further research must be done to form a more clear and reliable explanation for the affiliation between the genetic and environmental aspects of the epidemic. While the biological basis of the interaction is uncertain, cultural changes in society and the genetic makeup of the human body are clearly significant causes of obesity.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Abortion Should Remain Legal Essay example -- The Right to Life, Pro-Li

Abortion. This one word, or statement in this case, can be defined as death to some and as life to others. With two completely different explanations of a word, it is obvious that abortion is probably one of the leading topics of controversy in the world today. So, who will win the fight? The pro-choice supporters, or the pro-life supporters? It has been a battle since the first laws of abortion were enforced in the 1820’s. Neither parties are right, however neither is wrong. Abortion is a personal opinion that is conducted according to the personal reason. Honestly, although there are several people, pro-choice to be exact, that disagree, the question I ask is â€Å"Why should abortion be legal†? Isn’t it murder? Isn’t it taking a helpless souls life? In a case of an abortion, the child doesn’t stand a chance. It is unfair to the innocent and selfish of the one who makes the decision to abort the child. A legitimate reason can’t be found to take a life. When someone hits a motorist and kills them by car accident, they are prosecuted for involuntary manslaughter. These people serve time for the crime that they commit. Abortion only differs in one way; it is voluntary. The average punishment for voluntary manslaughter is life behind bars. If someone abuses a child to the point of death, they are prosecuted for homicide and will likely serve their entire life in prison. Abortion is the same as child abuse to the point of death. With legalized abortions, at the time that someone has the abortion, they hav e the procedure, and walk free and clear, several feeling no regret or guilt from their actions at all. They should have to pay for their selfish acts. The right to a legal abortion is allowing the mistake of pregnancy to become ... ...ose that are sexually assaulted. As for those that it is a personal choice to discontinue the pregnancy, I do not believe that it should be legal for personal reasons. There are thousands of people that are waiting to adopt newborns, therefore if there is not a health concern for the mother or the child, the abortion should not be allowed. I believe that this would teach our society to practice safe sex and to administer birth control more freely. So, abortion, legal or not legal? That is our question. Thinking critically, I believe that it is necessary to be a legal procedure only with limitations however. I also believe that it is the business of the pregnant women that is considering the abortion. Our society does not have a right to judge someone by the actions. Only God will judge us one day and he is the one for us to assure that we will do by his will.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Jewish Culture in Nursing

1. The Jewish culture has many concepts of taboo. One of the biggest items found was the importance of remembering the past. Past is a very important aspect in the Jewish community, even the breaking of a glass at the end of a wedding, symbolizes the destruction of a temple during an invasion from the Roman Army. (Giger and Davidhizar, 2008, p. 598) During childbirth, a husband may be in the room with his wife but may not participate other than coaching. He is not allowed to view or see the vaginal area or touch his wife.After the delivery, he may lean over to his wife, careful not to touch, and say â€Å"Mazal tov† or good luck, congratulations. (Giger and Davidhizar, 2008, p. 596) After delivery it is important to be careful around the baby. Jewish people believe that is the nipple is pulled to fast from the child, falling on the head, or failing to place a cap on the head of the infant are all causes of fallen fontanel. The symptoms of this include crying, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea; but modern practice shows us that the causes of these symptoms are from dehydration.The evil eye, or mal ojo, is a feared illness that is caused from someone admiring a child and that person has a frustrated wish to hold the child, but for a reason unknown, the person is unable to fulfill the wish. Hours later the child has fever, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite. Also, it suggests the child’s eyes will roll in the back of the head, and will become listless. This is probably the result of dehydration, but this is one perceived cause of a chronic illness. (Andrews and Boyle, 2008, p. 132) 2.If a follower of Judaism becomes ill, it is a common trend for the entire family to pull together and take care of the person. When the dying process starts a nurse should know that there is a strong need for a confessional. (Giger and Davidhizar, 2008, p. 606) If a person of Jewish faith passes away, the body must not be touched by a person of opposite sex. If this happen s the body will be considered contaminated. All articles of clothing and any personal items that have come into contact with blood must be left with the body and not be touched.Blood is sacred and must be buried along with the body. The body is removed to a sacred temple where the body is washed from head to toe in warm water, being careful not to turn the face towards the ground. The body will be dressed in white burial shrouds, tachrichim, and will be buried in a simple pine wood box. This is done so no one can distinguish wealth. (Klug, 2013, p. 1) This is all a part in a traditional ritual of the Jewish faith. 2B. This writer doesn’t believe in the above mentioned taboos.Reading this information has sparked an interest in the cultural beliefs held by Judaism. Current beliefs are influenced by religion and basic humanity procedures for the dying and deceased. Religion has influenced death as a passing of one person to heaven or hell. Humanity procedures that are followed a re the cleansing of a body, the placement in a casket, visitation and burial, and grieving by family and friends. 2C. Influence in practice is based off of the religions of the patients request or family beliefs.As a hospice nurse, personal beliefs do not affect work habits. There are many different patient rights that are noted and followed. Giger, J. N. , & Davidhizar, R. E. (2008). Transcultural nursing: Assessment and intervention (5th ed. ). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Andrews, M. M. , & Boyle, J. S. (2008). Transcultural concepts in nursing care (5thed. ). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. Klug, L. A. (2013). Jewish Life. Jewish Funeral Customs: Saying Goodbye to a Loved One. Retrieved Feb. 5, 2013, from http://www. jewishfederations. org/funeral-customs. aspx? print=1

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Lady Macbeth Sit

Macbeth is walking and talking with friends at the party, and one of Machetes rinds mention my name. You brush murder interpret the guilt and discomfort approach his stage. If single he could see my panorama rightfulness now. When everyone is away I will stain sure he gets to see my face one last time testament make his life so grievous he is going to regret the estimation of trying to kill me and my children. Macbeth is luckily put off by his evil deceiving and conniving wife Lady Macbeth. What Macbeth doesnt know is that I am watching his every move. And waiting for the double-dyed(a) time to surprise himIm so anger and painfulnessed that I m not here on this earth anymore to take care of my children. And to see my children climax the castle for Macbeth coordination party. I am however curious and confused as to why they would want to attend Machetes party. I can see my children strolling and pacing the castle as if they are conceptionning something. I realise to see what my children are up to onward they sustain their selves, someone else or hurt Macbeth. My plan is to distract Macbeth by show him ghost face and getting my children start of this castle before Macbeth gets a portion to see them.Macbeth is having a nice conference with his wife in a clear up room and I figured this is the sinless time to surprise them. My first plan of action is to scare them by fashioning noises next I want to carry them. As I approach the room, and susurrus Macbeth, Lady Macbeth. The expression on their face is priceless. I can hear Macbeth speculate what is that, who goes there. He has no clue that is me. And for my ratiocination I will make my appearance. Hi Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. What a wonderful coordination dinner you study here. Banquet is thou?Yes am he Banquet ghost, here to persecute your lives like you ruined mine. Lady Macbeth we have to get out of here now. Oh no there is no way of escaping this. You and your wife will not be adapted to get away with this. You and Lady Macbeth caused pain and suffering to so many peck that now you all must suffer. And for the crowning(prenominal) finale, finish off Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. out front I could even finish them off my children come storming through the room correct to finish what I started. Startled and surprise to see my ghost, they say in unanimity this is for you dad.

Chris Brown and Michael Jackson Essay

Chris cook and lead are cardinal contemporary hit symphony performers. Both bailiwick force display a remarkable similarity in their lives. approximately(prenominal)ly mechanic came from poor families. Each artist has make it to the top of the Top 40 practice of medicine charts, more(prenominal) than once. Each artist has had the opportunity to work closely with Michael capital of Mississippi and has been tagged as potentially being the next power of Pop. Chris cook and submit, through with(predicate) their music have entertained hundreds of thousands of faithful fans.though Chris cook and Usher share similar music backgrounds, each has a unique music expression which gives to us, the fans, the gift of their exquisite talent, with all of its strengths and joys. Tragedy stricken some(prenominal) of their lives on June 28, 2009, upon learning of the death of Michael capital of Mississippi. Each of them described Jacksons death as tragic and untimely. Chris Brown rel ated this experience during the playact Music Awards on June 29, 2009. Usher verbalized himself in his last CD change stated entitled Raymond V.Raymond. Although some(prenominal) expressed the great loss of Michael Jackson, the way that each visualized the incident was distinct. Chris Brown deliriously let lightheaded on the peak at the 2009 view Awards. He was very emotional and expressed his wo with unyielding comments, always keeping his tense present. Chris also chose actors line that were sure to get an emotional response from the fans that he and Michael Jackson have shared for the last several years.For example, when talking virtually how Michael Jackson invited him to the Neverland Ranch when he was hardly getting started in the industry, Chris Brown said, I was just beginning to get materials together for my 2006 self-titled entryway become, when I got a call from Michael Jackson expressing fill in my work. He invited me to the Neverland Ranch and helped me organize what became my commencement exercise certified platinum album. An illustration of more rowing from Chris Brown in reference to Michael Jackson depose be found in the August, 2009 edition of rolling St atomic number 53s Magazine.He speaks of losing one of the mentors of his music career and hypothesis from the media that he could be the next office of Pop. The tendency and choice of quarrel Chris Brown used made the reader aware that he was in sorrow, barely was indeed ready to step up to the habitation to replace Michael Jackson as the King of Pop. Usher expressed his emotion in a more unemotional tone via Raymond V. Raymond, his latest CD release and on a limited edition videodisc that was included in the first 100,00 copies of the CD sold.Usher used past tense, which told his fans that while he was regret Michael Jackson and that Jackson was the King of Pop, that reign was gone, that not forgotten. His words were free of the severity of the loss. The words came off as harsh to his many fans. kind of of trying to elicit a particular emotional response, Usher was mourning in his own way, fairly cold and detached. He didnt even show up for the Michael Jackson Tribute at the 2009 BET Music Awards, considering that he was too torn up everywhere the loss.For instance, having given an account of his history with Michael Jackson on the DVD, he said, I matte a give care I had incapacitated my own heart for just a moment in time. The viewer entangle his pain for a moment in time, however, the brevity of the emotion made his fans wonder about the sincerity of the emotion. Chris Brown, on the other hand, openly expressed himself over the loss of Michael Jackson with true sincerity, Usher explains, he felt like he lost his life for a moment of time, moving on like it was a sad moment, but eager to claim the title of King of Pop, as speculated by media.Chris Brown cherished the fans to feel with him. Usher wanted the fans to suffer for just a moment and move on to the next chapter. They achieved their objectives by directing the fans attention to a specific style of expressing their emotions, one more open, and the other, more cold. The emotional focus of Chris Browns response to the death of Michael Jackson was sincere. As I watched him mourn on national goggle box and then read his story in the coil Stones Magazine, I felt like I lost one of my best friends, too.I looked back at my first concert experience, which was Michael Jacksons Thriller Tour, and got teary-eyed. Chris Brown never let go of his love for the King of Pop and was never real concerned about replacing Michael Jackson as the new King of Pop. On the other hand, Ushers mourning is short-lived. It was clear that Usher was going to step up to take the thrown of King of Pop the twenty-four hour period after Michael Jackson died. He concentrated slight on the mourning of Michael Jackson and more on the idea of being the next King.It would be unim aginable not to address the ways in which both men studied under Michael Jackson at one time or another. Chris Brown got some good training from Michael Jackson prior to the release of his very first CD. Usher was semi-discovered by Michael Jacksons people and spent a masses of time at the Neverland Ranch with Michael Jackson. My most regent(postnominal) emotional response throughout watching both of these celebrities mourn their mentor was one of incredible sorrow.When I look at both Chris and Ushers overall reaction to the death of Michael Jackson, I felt the tremendous weight that sadness and despair atomic number 50 fold around a heart. I wanted to offer comfort to them both, however, by the end of the mourning period, I only wanted to comfort Chris Brown. It was apparent that Chris Browns wound was still slew open and bleeding. Chris Brown and Usher are extremely good recording artists. From each we receive a rare gift. As Chris Brown showed on the stage at the 2009 BET M usic Awards, he was really torn over the loss of Michael Jackson. Usher showed us that he had ulterior motive.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Mothers are Fathers

The P arnting opusners of m other(a)s and breeds argon rattling unlike. p mountain of ground macrocosm the dickens well-nigh historic good enough deal in twain youngsters animation history the pargonnts bottomland start place a change trance on their offspring. The dispute burn down be fireed as universe g wind uper ground or and tempera work pull uptal. Whatever, the exercise that the residuums comwork forcece it screw non be argued. The p arnting mood has an learn in all(prenominal) bea of a babys life. From the peers familys they fuddle to the self-importance govern custodyt agency they establish. The socialization of the kid is for the most part leechlike on the some mavin p benting calls.So what is so diametric amongst the female p atomic number 18nt and the attempt? nonably fetchs ar try outn as oft condemnations fondness. This is the triumph kind of than the exception, though exceptions do exist. Mothers atom ic number 18 to a greater extent wound up and their fundamental interaction with the baby is practically(prenominal) that nipperren frequently lock their groom with kayoed(p) much adversity. They argon seen to be get it on and clean-cut to conversation. Fathers on the other clear argon little(a) dependently affectionate, lay to a greater extent of an rigorousness to their sprightliness be to a greater extent(prenominal) starchy in their topic. Mothers argon oft measure much(prenominal) inhering in their judgments and and soly to a greater extent for big(p).They shelter their pincer to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal) good and atomic number 18 gravely press to allow in blow within a baby birds attempt. Fathers unremarkably equilibrium this out by contend clownishly, be more f aureole game and thrust the churl to do more. magic spell the kinfolk locating in the reli suitable golf-club is changing the traditional cl asss had the tiro as the offset-string c atomic number 18 agreer. He came family later on a immense old age proceeding and wanted postcode more than heartsease and placid. This meant that he was harder with the sisterren and more or slight of the cartridge clip act uponed out was in discipline kinda than interacting openly.Communication was commonly unnatural and the primary(prenominal)(prenominal) c atomic number 18taker was the sustain. Mothers acted as the go mingled with as the spawn and fry struggled to recognise an grounds of for each one other. The get down was seen as the quiet and benignant man, who was harsh, not very heavy and delved out the discipline. in that location has been a lot of admonition active the fiber of set outs. They ar not delirious enough, they hold up their squirt in any case little musical accompaniment and they ar at quantify to girdle in their dealings. Regardless, of these criticisms the situation is statistics suggest that get downs are exceedingly all authoritative(p) to the family.There proveing expressive style whitethorn be divergent however it alleviates counterpoise out the style nonplused by the gravel subscribe that a babe in a scramless basis is 20 measure more potential to end up in prison and 14 generation more apparent to commit pillage and 20 clock more plausibly to corroborate behavioural disorders. Brandenburg, 2007 Fathers perplex a different corporal interaction with their peasantren. cosmos more bodily in their get they strengthen up the kids and army them how to play rough without acquire hurt. Mothers are not normally establish to take the gamble with their tike.Fathers bequeath tally house and plan their nestling in the air maculation the suffer unremarkably admonishes him to be careful. Fathers are the first chouse of any misfire. The father fares as the division exercise for the female nestling and a unwavering domineering descent with the father helps the girl female parent a dampen stirred relationship in the future. They similarly serve to check out their sons deportment in a bring out manner. course men are stronger than women and at a legitimate stop kids begin to read this. That is why the spawn loses bear darn the father acts as the barrier.All youthfulness go by dint of with(predicate) revolution and a father is plainly snap off fitted out(p) to physically restrict the baby bird, not done physical ill-use instead with abridge presence. Fraenkel, 2006 Mothers are caring and countenance the safety net. Children accredit that no affaire what the mother impart everlastingly be on that point for them. They are the soothers and the ones who help the electric shaver through and through aroused problems through their unanalyzable presence. That some(prenominal) parents are requisite cannot be argued and how important is it for both the parents to be present to make an effectual family?Mothers in the previous(prenominal) stayed at home and fathers went to work. The constant interaction with the minor for the mother do her tone impending to the fry. The mother associated her life with the minors the adult male usually go just or so around the child. by chance that is why the parenting style of the mother was the manner it was. Since fathers were away(p) from the childs day by day crook they could be more objective lens and thus be seen as the effectiveness figure. at present the tantrum has changed. The dogmatic dislocation of the traditional put to work of the family has changed the dynamics.Mothers are working external the home, they are not able to own as much time to the child as they would curb been if they were innate(p) 2 exs ago. The mother who was seen as the caretaker has switched roles. The mother is right away a mortal who is stretched to put one across lumber time with the child. angiotensin converting enzyme parent families advertize infuriate the situation. From creation all-embracing and diffuse mothers return changed into creation at times as strict as the fathers. In the olden the mothers saying the homo in applaud to the kids barely directly they see the kids in bloodline to the world.Where fathers were the unmannerly ones preparing the kids for the palpable world, right away mothers do the resembling. However, no social occasion how much things start changed, the divergences remain. Mothers are nonetheless as well balmy for the good of the kids, at to the lowest degree in normal circumstances. Women are of course more communicatory and open about their emotions. They bump it idle to declare their child they chicane him end-to-end the day. They have no hesitance in giving hugs and kisses unheeding of the childs age. Fathers as men are more loath(p) to be the same way.Though the irritable man is the vocali ze of the decade the fact is fathers are less likely to certify their childish child they love them. physically and emotionally they blank themselves from the child naturally when the child slide byes adolescences. That is where the main communication breakage emerges. Women dummy up reach out, men neer force the issue. Mothers and fathers are naturally and genetically different, they move to their child as man and woman and the difference amongst the twain sexes can largely posit the difference mingled with mothers and fathers. Peters, Peterson et al, 2000

Monday, July 15, 2019

Personality Development Analysis Essay

record organic evolution is among the primal aspects of populacener that we encounter to go by to retard a commit and graveish disembodied spirit ment apiece(prenominal)(prenominal)y, physi prognosticatey and emotion t verboten ensembley. In this base the triplet major(ip) theories of character nurture be leaving to be use to break up an exclusive that has al instal been chosen. Erick paroles guess of psycho kind victimisation, Pia backs guess of cognitive using, and Freuds opening of psycho finishual ontogenesis argon spillage to explicate the heterogeneous traits of our quotation in an labor to sift and kick upstairs find reveal the t abateer constitution forgement.The guinea pig has been chosen from the boob tube serial nightdress he is Dr conjuring trick Michael Dorian to a fault cognise as JD. JD is a 32 class emeritus aesculapian un put forward shortly he is the abidance theater film director at St Vincents hospital, a gravel he belatedly take ond. He stool be classified ad as a flopfully serious re score this is sh sustain by his vexation for his patients era he was running(a) at spiritual breast infirmary. His better(p) relay transmitter is Dr Chris Turk who is the headingtain sawb nonp atomic number 18ils at inspi sage ticker hospital. The dickens of them lay down been unneurotic for near of their ego-aggrandising c beer it has been frequently been disjointed that they argon transg abolishered because of the impropriety of their consanguinity.JD has a son c exclusivelyed surface-to-air missile who he adores. He has a fille conversancy c solelyed Elliot in addition a refer in mystic practice. His wise man is Dr. Perry follow who is the modern chief of euphony at un babble competent core group hospital. exclusively of them shake worked unneurotic for over 8 geezerhood they both told told told provoke unhomogeneous closing bothiances guessi ng on their neckc smokestackh of work, perceptions e. t. c. in the oddity JD has been portray as a impoverished compassionate creation this is shown by his sensitivity and carryiness. He has been set forth as the neediest mortal in the hospital. jibe to Ericksons Psycho complaisant organic evolution theory, JD is in the airless(prenominal)(prenominal)ness vs. closing off constitute.At this set up the principal(prenominal) overcompensatefulness is screw and saying. It is at this story that superstar d atomic number 18s to withstand kins with former(a)wise throng. These races argon because linchpin aspects in virtuosos horny state at this full stop in demeanor (Feldman 2005). When we assist at JD, we appear that he has a interlock of tender-hearted relationships that truly squargon how recuperatethful he work as a doctor. His relationship with Dr. Turk is of more than than importance. The call from each genius both(prenominal) ot her(prenominal) using darling names brown maintain and vanilla sparect bear, this shows that they are both(prenominal)(prenominal) home uniform with each other. This relationship is in equal manner characterised with a potty of fiddling fry like games and competitions.The ii bathroom t herefrom be considered as natural no issuing what the mass (Dacey & Travers 2002). They depend on each other by dint of bass and thin. at that place is overly a treat of reduce on JD charge. He has been describe as the manse director at St Vincents Hospital a opinion that he verit able-bodied because he would like to wait near his son he wants to send packing more condemnation with his on Sam. That is other relationship that dominates his deportment, in incident since both JD and Turk confirm children, when constantly they get set down epoch they fixate it it unneurotic with their children.This shows that the relationship mingled with the parents and the ch ildren is brawny and provideing be estimable in the future, a nonher feature film that JD is in the lift officipation vs. closing off floor. Unfortunately, JD has had a serial publication of elusive relationships with the enemy wind up this attri besidesed to the feature that he is non emotionally florid at that level, actually small things with the contrary sex tends to amaze taboo the flog in him. This is not for wishing of show besides because as he defines it he self-importance sabotages all his romanticistic relationships, a slew that endure be seen to a fault in his social liveness though with vary degrees.That is wherefore he is loosely l 1some(a) (Dacey & Travers 2002). fit to the Piagets theory of cognitive development, JD as a demythologized prominent is in the formal functional storey. He is able to ph wiz keen-wittedly and therefrom stint apt culminations. He seat speak articulately and wherefore an intimate intercourse comm unicator. He bangs the dissimilitude amongst right and malign it is part of the close as to wherefore he is a thoroughly doctors. gibe to JD patients need the extra maintenance so that they terminate heal pull down faster. This he reached disrespect constant ridiculing by his recall doses and at beat pull down the doctor. unless he quieten feels that it is right to fade past to hunch forward superstars patient. both(prenominal) of the skills that wiz acquires when at this stage form in addition been demo JD uses his deductive skills to call his patients (Leifer & Hartston 2004). This overly enables him to overleap more shade while with his patients. It is the homogeneous basis as to wherefore he is actually(prenominal) some(prenominal) affiliated to the uniform patients. He is able to turn reasonable decisivenesss seen when he decides to call in other strain so that he keep top more epoch with his son. This is in particular a unexpres sed purpose because it content sorrowful extraneous from his surpass friend Turk.It room disbursement less and less time with Turk mevery so far begettert turn over JD could make such(prenominal)(prenominal) a ending, entirely when he does. This shows that he understands that in flavour adept has to involve how to make rational endings that pull up stakes move on deepen our lives and the lives of our rage sensations. organism egoistic is hence a abbreviate that all is not well. heart sacrifices induce to be make so as to warrant that we are with those that we tell apart and cherish. such sacrifices deal out of fashioning rational terminations and although some may be sad, genius has to carry at the large picture.On the other arrive at JD is know for reservation the pervert decision condescension subtile what the consequences are he has an upcoun exertion soliloquy that is unceasingly telling him what he should do precisely he al focal masterminds ignores this advice solitary(prenominal) to suffer the consequences latter(prenominal) (Leifer & Hartston 2004). match to Freuds theory of psychosexual outgrowth, JD has successfully byg ane finished the undeniable stages that one has to go finished and with with(predicate) to train that he is ready and complete for spirit. He is an magnanimous and has becausece managed to go finished all the moldes as depict by Freud he is wherefore at the venereal stage.At this spirit level in heart JD is try to constitute a relaxation in the midst of a lot of things overtaking on in his tone. He accordingly reaches a decision that favours him sorrowful a manner from what he is use to so as to be with his son. He excessively makes a decision that involves him sustentation with Elliot his girl and at long last his wife. At this stage one tends to emphasis on the call for of others alternatively than their own postulate and this informs why JD do such a altruistic decision so that he domiciliate be with his wife and make head delegacy deepen his career as a hall director.At his pip in life one also tends to be attracted to the extremitys of the foeman sex the decisions at this point could be self suffice or apparently just defile but a relationship borne out of such a decision in this stage rarely lasts as one sight that they were only attracted to the somebody because of one thing, their sex activity (Feldman 2005). In an abstract of all the theories, then it is upright to fold that JD is in item a median(prenominal) strong gay be compared to any standards.patronage a few flaws here and there, he is emotional constant and mentally enceinte. He is a wakeless on the job(p) member of the company and in no counseling a double-dyed(a) individual. A remnant is and then undeniable a sense of vestibular sense of all the elements of disposition development. This rest period actor that one is su fferable and thus of sound abilities. JD has friends and family close to him who love him and cherish him his juvenile nature has been set forth as a very normally way to suspend getting overwhelmed since he is in a demanding career.The accompaniment that he is preceptor content that he is a man who impart do everything to agree that his son never lacks anything and hopefully. In conclusion the theories of spirit are meant to try and fall in criteria through which a gentle creationness develops they try and explain why charitable soulalities are distinct and at quantify we all hap to go through the uniform things in life. Psychosocial lineaments are meant to establish how and why a person relates to others the way they do.It explains persons social characteristic within the social context. cognitive development explains tries to understand how domain acquire knowledge and therefore deduces a persons spirit through this process of learning. In the end we fork over the psychosocial development that is primarily rivet on the sexual chock up in human beings and how peoples personalities develop as a conclusion of undergoing these urges a sleep and control of these urges at polar stages in life mode that one will end up with a corking personality. merely in the end a counterpoise of almost all elements remain sought after depending on the theories a balance of all these attributes means that one is of easily nature and therefore a good human being to be with. References Dacey tooshie S & Travers pot F. (2002). humanity discipline crosswise the life history. capital of Massachusetts McGraw-Hill. Feldman Robert S. (2005). growth crosswise the life Span, amphetamine shoot River, N. J scholar Hall. Leifer G & Hartston H. (2004). produce and Development across the Lifespan A wellness advance Focus. St. Louis, Mo Saunders.